100. It's Time to Live in Alignment + Celebrate 100 Episodes!!!



Your alignment is the most valuable resource you have. The power of showing up authentically. There is something more to this life.There is a new possibility, and you don't have to follow the path of reinforced social expectations. This podcast is here guide you into alignment on all levels: physically, mentally, energetically, and spiritually.  The way to access this alignment, are in these modalities that help us sink and settle deeper into your self. Therefore, we will be exploring all the modalities that will tap you into your higher self.

Within this podcast, we will tap into your higher self, by allowing you to sink deeper into that place within you. I am so excited!!!! I am so excited to talk about all these modalities. 

Episode Topics

  • Your alignment is the most valuable resource you have. 

  • The power of showing up authentically. 

  • There is something more to this life. 

  • How to awaken into your conscious state. 

  • Access to your higher self. 

  • Expanding into a state of love

  • ALL of your limits are within you. 

  • What's the point to all of this?

  • Special offering to the newsletter community! Sign up here

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podcast, alignment, modalities, feel, love, energy, limits, open, body, tap, life, sink, resistance, showing, social conditioning, gratitude, soul, capacity, expand


Hey you guys and welcome back. It is the 100th episode so excited, I have a pretty amazing and maybe intense (I don't know that's a that's a aggressive word) but it's a good episode because it's really leveling us up into where we're going next and that like clear clean energy of what to expect from the podcast and I also want to throw out there. If this episode is resonating with you, share it with a friend, share it with a family member, post it up on your stories and Instagram. I would be like over leave thrilled if I opened up my Instagram and I saw all of you guys post on your stories sharing the podcast it would I don't know I might not even survive from that my heart might burst to wide open. I want to I want to share this out and I can't do it alone. So if this episode is feeling really good, please share it with a friend text it to somebody that you love spread the love of the feeling into this energy being in a new vibration. Oh my gosh, okay, let me add this and to like, go against our social expectations and conditioning like have a reminder send this to somebody to be like, there is a different way right there is a different path to what you've been struggling with that doesn't involve the working hard and the struggling in the resistance and just like feeling caught in it feeling stuck in it. There's somebody that you know that struggling with their relationship or they're struggling with their relationship with food or body image or they're just having a hard day and they're a new mom and they're just needing a little burst of energy like send them this send them a little vibration boost. Tell them that there it doesn't have to be the all the gunk and like the way that we're expected to approach our bodies and health and energetics right. Okay, my love's that is the intro. Let's dive into the 100 episode enjoy ~


Hey, you guys. So today since it's the 100th episode, I just really want to speak from my heart. And I want you to really feel the energy of what this podcast is creating and where we're going. So to just dive right into it, your alignment is the most valuable resource that you have. We all came here to heal through our karma through the kind of baggage that we carry and lug around and it's those tight places, right? It's those places that we feel that resistance which we can feel within our actual physical body but really, it's a place within so it's a it's a block within it's a fear it's a pain point. And we came here to heal through that we came here to grow. And you're here because you have the freakin audacity to be on this incredible healing journey to actually show up and say no, like something's not right. And I want to work through this and I want to heal so that I can be a better me on the other side. And what we're craving is that alignment of that, that place of creating a world in which we want to live in and which we want to see


And I want to tell you, like Hell yeah, like yes, that you're showing up. I think a lot of people in our lives might not necessarily understand when somebody's on the healing path of like, showing up in a way that is, maybe from social expectations or conditioning says, Oh, that selfish, that you're just worried about yourself, and you're making these steps to improve and you're trying to be a better person. And I want to be that person to be like, Fuck, yeah, you're doing that, like you have the audacity to show up and move through your gunk, to make your life better and make other people and your life's better, like you're radiating that energy into them. And the world better. I mean, it's a ripple effect. So you should be applauded for showing up in that way. And I want to keep showing up and telling you to keep moving forward, keep moving through that resistance, keep releasing and breaking through some of those fears. Because the more that you do, the more and more you'll be in that alignment. And we need you and really want you to show up in that way. We need more people, to have the courage to be authentically unapologetically themselves. We just, we need that so much in this world. And we're here for it like this is what this podcast is all about is helping you in this container of showing up more authenticity in your authenticity, showing up more authentically in your own power in your own way. And it's a process of uncovering the truth that lies within you.



And this podcast is ready for the next level, it's ready to have a really clean and clear energy that is helping you uncover this truth. And the way forward is tapping into and sinking deeper into yourself. So that you can create your life that you want to live. And that is in alignment. That's that align place physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually, where you get to move and flow through your life in a way of authenticity, of truth, of moving energy of awakening to your soul. And for those of you that are in a place of resistance, and you're just feeling the heaviness of just fears, right? It might be a block in your relationship. You might be pushing away somebody you might feeling blocked in your capacity to open up your heart, it might be physically you might be experiencing physical pain on a day to day basis or it might pop up randomly and you just can't seem to work and heal and move through it and may be mentally or just consumed and the unconscious patterns of just thoughts looping, looping, looping and just dragging you down. It may be spiritually might not feel an opening to the immense source of love. For those surrounding you constantly, you might feel blocked in accessing that source of love. And I want to tell you, like, if you're in this place of resistance, like I have been there, and I was like, I have no idea, I'm just gonna start, you know, reading some books and mindfulness and go to this MBSR class and start my meditation. And I just was on this, like, I didn't have a choice any other way, like, My soul was just like, you are need to be searching you need to be, you know, honestly, what it felt like is I felt like I was fighting, I felt like I was constantly fighting something. And the people in my world, they didn't understand they actually were kind of negative towards it. And, like, just wanted me to let it go. And I got that, because they saw that pain of me just like fighting towards a place of I wasn't even sure I just didn't want to be I just deep down, I knew there was something more to this life. And I want to tell you, there is something more, I want to be that person that is like, yes, like there is something more there is a better way to approach your mind, your body, your spirit, and to keep moving forward, because that's just your soul craving that alignment. And there is alignment. On the other side, there is a place where you change your relationship to your pain and your body. You start to feel mentally free of those unconscious patterns, and you start to awaken into your consciousness. So your conscious state of knowing that you are good enough feeling that wholeness tapping into that presence, being fully awake and present in the moment. Feeling spiritually connected to that source energy to the divinity that is within you, that you are a part of the wholeness like you are a part of the magnificence and the like, ah, and just stepping out your door and looking at nature and looking at the mountains and looking at the blades of grass and just being like I'm part of this I am the elements I am earth I am fire I am water, I am ether and air. And that is just who you are at your core, right and remembering this, that you are all that you are as love. And you get to a place of alignment. And then in that alignment, you open your capacity to receive. And in that opening this is when you create your life. And we all want to create, right? We were meant to come here to create. We are creators at our core. And you really what you really desire is to create your life and how you really want to live. And how you want to open up to that love within other people. And this is where we're headed, right? It's like I just say like, right, like, nonchalantly but it's like whoa, like power there. And so within the podcast, the way to access this alignment. And what the podcast is where we're going is these modalities that help us sink and settle deeper into yourself. Because it is within these modalities, that we are able to access that within place. And we tap into that higher source within you that higher self and this is when we tap into the truth you can be in alignment in this very moment listening right now to the podcast. Feeling into your body, the presence noticing what is around you and feel into any feeling that you want to create right now. You can in this very moment. That energy it's all energy right it's everything in this world is a vibration 10 those atoms are 99.999% I think I missed the nine their point 999 percent space, it's just space and the end there. And the reason that it this table or your car or the you know, the seat that you're sitting on feels solid is because those atoms are vibrating. We can see this and quantum science and quantum physics is the anatomy of the cells, right is we dive deeper, it's all energy, like you are energy. And so within that every single moment, you can vibrate at a certain frequency, and you can tap into that. So when I was just talking about love and wholeness, you might have felt a different kind of frequency within your brain within your body. And now as you transitioning in this very present moment into a new state, and that alignment can happen within any single moment. So we have access to our higher self right now. It's just learning in the process of tapping into her over and over again. And the more that we untangle those parts, those fears those resistance those blocks, it's becomes easier and easier to just live in that place of alignment. So it's kind of like twofold and the way it's like right now you have access to your higher self. And as we move through the healing journey of sinking deeper into yourself of untangling those parts that are not you so we open space for places that is more fully and wholly who you truly are then it just becomes easier to just naturally flow in the state of alignment.


I also want to make the note that the limits and your life all these external limits and resistance and living in lack these are limits that are within yourself. And this is a concept that you might have heard before. But I invite you to really like embrace this concept because it is it will change the game for you. You will start to realize that you have choice and you are living your life on your own terms. And if you don't feel that freedom of this is your life fully and completely and you have full choice. If you don't embrace that then let this concept really sink in and will like this will keep popping up over and over again on the next 100x amount of episodes that your limit all of your limits are within you there are limits within yourself. So if you're feeling a limit within a relationship, if you're feeling a block, it is never about the other person. It is a limit within yourself. And once you break free of that limit within you, it changes the external, and this is with everything. And in that you have so much freedom, you have so much personal autonomy over your life that you are in charge, you are the only one blocking you. And just this whole concept is we I mean, we, we see, we see it. So we hear about it, we've we know it's true, but there might not be evidence to it being true in your life, because our social conditioning, social expectations are all looking for us to look outside of ourself, to fix to solve to analyze, and that's taking our power away, we're giving our power out to the external and the power, my love is within you is so within you, you have so much power, inner power. And it is that capacity to expand. And it is within your own power to choose your own capacity to receive that. And to understand that the life that you have created is of your own creation. But there's hope in that because you also have the power to recreate it however you desire. There's so much freedom and that and you will start to feel this, you will start to change your life. I can tell you because I have fully embody this in my life. And it's changed, it's changed. It's changed my relationship. It's changed my the way I perceive the world around me. It's changed how I see my thoughts and my limitations and my lack and my fears. Because I know each time one of those pops up, it's like, oh, this is within me. Like it's, it's all within me, if I'm ready to release that, then it's a within process. And I just expand more and more into a state of love. And this is how my life change externally. We hear this concept of it's within. And then we don't really dial in that reception of how do we really move through the healing process? How do we really control this whole concept of it's all within process to make it reflect and expand out into our external life. And that is a part of the process is I want to show you I want to give you your choice back I want you to feel like you have the power to do any changes in your life. You have the capacity, we just need to open it up. We need to help you realize that it's all about tuning in to that reception within yourself. And opening up those limits and knowing that you can, it's all in allusion, right? When we show up and we know this modality or this podcast conversation or this book has the capacity to change me because I am willing to change. I am willing to open up to receive that's all you need. You it's like you have it within you you have it within you. You are the only block to yourself. You have created your life and thus you can change your life you can recreate your life. It is just a referral action of our internal state. If you want to expand your life, if you want to be in a creation of an alignment of the world that you want to live in, it is all within you. And it's all within your capacity to open up. And that's it. That's period. That's the end of story. And the guests that come on are gonna prove it to you over and over again, and those social expectations and conditioning that are telling us otherwise, you will now have a new path, you will have the evidence against that evidence, and you will start to rise to your next level. Because you'll see it there's a different way, right, there's a new possibility, there's a different way to go about it. That's not what the social conditioning is telling us that not what everybody else is showing us in our life and what evidence of our past has been, it is this new way of being. And you will start to know that that is the truth, you'll start to hear it, you'll start to feel it within your body, you'll start to see things start to shift in your life. And then you'll be silent, you'll be on that path. And you'll be like, bam, I know exactly what's happening here. Because it's within me, I'll move through it, I can transform quickly. And then blah, blah, blah, all those limits are removed, and you step into the life you were meant to live, you know, deep down. That's why you're here, that inner knowing I don't need to tell you, you already know your soul already knows, there is truth within this. And there is a new path to alignment


Oh, okay, guys. So within this podcast, we will tap into your higher self by allowing you to sink deeper into that place within you. And I'm so excited. This is what lights me up is I love talking about all these modalities. And I can't wait like there's so many things, I have a list of who I want to bring on to the podcast and I want to dive deeper into some of these tools and modalities and and allowing wellness to end taking care of your body and moving into alignment, allowing it to be full of passion and enthusiasm and unapologetic, right and curiosity. There's going to be some things that resonate and some things that don't. And that's okay. Listen to what feels good. That is your intuition. That is that little whisper that's like, Oh, that feels good. Yes, move in that direction. We think everything needs to be hard talking about social expectations. No, like let it be easy. It is easy. There the universe is love and flow and a sense of ease and that so the ease and is in the part of like yeah, let it feel good. So we'll have like Ayurveda, I want somebody talk about Ayurveda, astrology, sound healing, breathwork talk about nature, integrating elements. All of these modalities will open up that space within you. It doesn't have to be the way that we are told it has to be. It doesn't have to be about waking up, going to that gym class, coming home, showering eating food, like oh, wait, I shouldn't eat this because that's better and bowl and then go to work and it can be so much more fulfilling. It can be a mode of reception, it can be gratitude. It can be living in that place of like, oh my gosh, this cup of coffee I just like the warmth of my hands and sipping this and being in the present sensations of smells and touch and feeling and receiving and letting those some of those mental like chatter that's like near my mind. You're like, okay, let's let that go. Sink and open up receive in that place over perception, can we allow life to flow through us? Can we feel into a support of source of love, like opening into the abundance that is surrounding us constantly? And every moment? And what's truly important, right? Like, what's the point of all of this? If we're running around raising doing this going here, here? are we racing to the finish line of what right of death? Are we running around trying to get closer to death? Sometimes we need to stick our head up and look and feel and know, this is that one life you got to live? And what's the point of it? What do you want to feel on a daily basis? What are those feelings that you want to cultivate into your life? What do you want to move in and through what the opportunity to move into the pain and through that pain, because when we do that, we move to the next level of who you are your truth, your essence, the pain gets to be a transformation. And what's the point of all of it, right? What's the point of wellness. And that's how we started this podcast this episode is The point is to heal through and grow and so that you can step into your alignment. In that alignment is where you create. And you open up. And this world needs that it needs more love and needs more gratitude, it needs more abundance, it needs more of your authenticity. So bringing that we need to raise the level of what is the point of all of this, we need to keep coming back, keep remembering, keep coming back, keep coming in that vibration, keep hearing those words that set us into that path of alignment. Keep Feeling that within the body. And it's just going to be this process, you're going to keep moving through, you're going to keep showing up. And you will be there within yourself in the world and life that you created. Because you had the audacity to show up.


Okay, my friends, so Oh, was just given to you from the 100th episode. And I know that was pretty intense. And there's a lot to like taken. But I just want you to know that I'm here to support you. Like I show up because I love talking about this. I love diving into this. And I also love people that are stepping into their own power, I love to see that I love to see people that are willing to be in their alignment, and to show up for their own alignment. And I am here to support that and here as a support system. If you are not already on the newsletter, sign up for that bad boy because this is where I will send out a special offering for this specific podcast. So you will receive that make sure you sign up this week to receive that to help you come back into self to sink deeper into yourself. And hopefully will give you those little nudges, to awaken to wake up your soul to step into your consciousness so that you can step out of your unconscious patterns. And so this is a little like wake up your soul to start your day fresh to settle into self and be in that alignment. Be in that vibration. So that will be on the newsletter. And if you have any questions, comments, please reach out to me. Instagram or email Email at Hello at Katie Kay graham.com. And then lastly, but not least, this is a perfect time to share the podcast, share it with a friend, share it with a family member, if you've been thinking like, oh, yeah, like I've been listening to this, I'd really love to send gratitude and support to somebody else and the podcast, right? Because that is how we grow. That is how we help other people step into their alignment. If you've been thinking of sending this to somebody, now's a perfect time. This is when we expand into our next level on the podcast and really show up with the like, the more people here, the more energy the more collective energy and momentum we can move through. And of course, I want to connect this business, this podcast, with the people that are just really they're ready to receive right there, they're ready to step into that place within themselves. And who knows, like a little nudge, a little send a little tap a little love to somebody you don't know where it'll lead, maybe they'll resonate, maybe the next person they send it to will resonate. We just don't know how that energy will flow and who will show up and really needs it but we can try right? We are here to try. So support a friend support the podcast give us a little gratitude through that. And that's it. Thank you for being here I am. I wouldn't continue this without the listeners obviously. So I am here for you. And I appreciate you showing up and listening and just having that curiosity and passion like let that travel let that take you on to our next level. Keep moving forward, right. Okay, you guys. I will see you on next episode. Happy 100th


101. Your Higher Self is Calling + Embodiment


99. Live Life Awake, Embodied, and in Alignment / Alison Rothman