5. Food, Body & Sense of Self with Emily Podschweit


Emily Podschweit shares her incredible story starting with a career ending knee injury in beach volleyball, working through an eating disorder, and the practices that have helped with her recovery. She dives in deep into the relationship with food, body, and sense of self. Her gift of truth & vulnerability allows us an opportunity to reflect on our own journey with wellness. 

We dive into topics of body image, sense of self, control, yoga, Ayurveda and recovery. Emily is such a gift to share her story with us. I am so excited for you to hear this episode! 
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Contact Katie Kay:
BODY BREAKING FREE - INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.comkatiekaygraham/

Resources Ayurveda Tools: BODY BREAKING FREE -  EPISODE GUIDE SHEET (free download)

Contact Emily:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/em_della_crem/


4. Ultimate Guide: Wim Hof Method / Jeremy Wilstein


6. 4 Tools to Add to Your Daily Wellness Routine