50. Stay Inspired: Tap into Your Desires


As we head into summer, it is a perfect time to spark your desires. What is it that you want to create in your life? What is it that you desire to feel like? If you are looking to tap into your desires, this episode is for you. Get crystal clear on what it is you want, see your struggles as an opportunity, and re-frame your perspective on what it takes to be successful. All you need to start is to have to start by having a willingness to change.

FEEDBACK FORM https://forms.gle/2yLugCwC1LSoZWWm6
GIVEAWAY! If you fill out the feedback form you will be entered to win my *favorite* self-care tools Fill out the feedback form (3-5 minutes)

Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of body breaking free. So today is episode five 0/50 episode. And it's been a whole year since this podcast has launched. And I just want to celebrate, I want to celebrate you and I want to celebrate the podcast, I want to celebrate all the amazing guests that we've had on sharing their all their beautiful insights and stories and just being so generous to get us to that door where we can choose to open it and step through and try out some of these wellness tools and see if they work in our life. And even just hearing the podcast gaining new perspectives, like all of it, we soak in. And for me, it's made my life better, like in many, many ways. And so I'm just so grateful for where this podcast has led up to right, right to the 50th episode.

And so this week, on Instagram, I'm just going a little crazy with lots of stories and posts. But I want to just give, give, give, I just want to serve, and just give away some of the most important information I've gained. And I know it's different per person. But I feel like the more that we share, the more we all get in that space of up lifting each other than we can all feel that expansive energy. And talking about giving. I am also doing a **giveaway**, a little self care package some of my favorite self care tools. So I have the super attractor journal by Gabrielle Bernstein. And I love it. It's so cute, there's little prompts, and she has the pages. They're watercolor, and it's just a great journal. So that's one of my faves. And then a lavender eyemask. That is also great, because the days that I don't want to do a seated meditation, I'll just get cozy, get a blanket and lay down on my back and do a body scan. And then I'll put that lavender eye mask over my eyes. So it feels like a little, a little treat for me to have some time to myself and my body. And then I'm going to sprinkle in a few little surprise gifts. So that giveaway you can enter in by filling out the feedback form. So the feedback form, it will just take you a few minutes, probably three to five minutes. And this is going to help me so much I was reflecting on okay, it's been a year, we've hit 50 episodes. Where is the vision of this podcast going? And the first thing I was like, Okay, well, I need to ask I need the feedback, I need the knowing what's working, what's not working. And I've already received some great feedback from you guys about online workshops and live classes. And that you love learning these new Wellness trends. And there's just a few things that are really standing out already that I feel like we can incorporate in the podcast. But I just if you haven't filled that out, I just would love it if you filled it out, and then you will be put in the Your name will be put into the giveaway as well. So I will put that link in the show notes. That'll be a perfect place to click on that and fill it out. So yeah, so let's get into today's episode. So this week, as I've been reflecting on the podcast and celebrating the podcast, and just being in that energy of gratitude and inspiration, I thought that this episode would be a great episode to stay inspired. And what's a better way to bring up that uplifting energy than to talk about tapping into our desires.

So what is it that you want to create in your life? What is it that you desire?

And if you're anything like me, which I'm sure listening to body breaking free, you want to move past your struggles and being in that highest self vibration, and I'm definitely a dreamer. So I'm always trying to get to that place. But not in an aggressive or a place of feeling like right now in the present isn't perfect because I think that's an easy thing to get sidetracked when we have desires. It creates this energy of well if I have a desire than this right now, this present moment isn't good enough. Because we're in haven't reached the place that we want to get to. So that's an easy trap to fall into. So just me Make sure that if you have a desire, make sure that you're also embracing the present moment and bringing in energy of gratitude, appreciation, attention and awareness. So as we head into summer, I just feel like this is a perfect time of year, the transition of seasons, that gives us an opportunity to reflect, but also headed into summer, that we have this energy of heat and fire and that Pitta energy, that motivation. So I just feel like these next two weeks is a really good time to reflect and then really nail down what it is that you want to change. And it could be a thing, it could be a perspective shift, it could be anything, right? The possibilities are endless. And I've also heard back on the feedback form some of those responses like what I'm struggling with, so what I don't want. And I purposely asked that question that way, because it's a lot, it can be a lot easier for us to pinpoint what it is that we don't want. So what we're struggling with right now, so it's, you know, could be physical pain, it could be feeling lack of time, lack of energy, not feeling confident in your body. So what I want you to do is I want you to take that struggle and flip it on its head and really align with how you want to feel. So if you're feeling like you have lack of time in your day, well, how do you want to feel maybe you're feeling frantic, maybe you have some anxiety. So maybe the opposite of that is you want to feel peaceful, you want to feel present, you want to feel empowered, maybe. So align with what you desire. And the first step in anything is having an intention. So you need to have the actual intention. And I like to write actually write it down in my journal. So it's very clear as far as where I want to get to, and what's the next step. And then you can kind of broadcast that energy out into the universe, and be in this more receptive and clear intention, so that you can move forward in the right direction. And I also want to point that if you are struggling with something, we can look at it as an opportunity, that is telling you that there is a situation where you don't have the capacity to be unconditionally loving. So whatever struggling It could even be like an argument with a spouse or a friend, or it's showing you that this situation, you can open up to more love and your heart can be opened up more. And so in that way, it is an opportunity for you to grow. And in a very positive light, right, I feel like we all want to show up with a huge capacity for love. And hopefully we can get to a place of unconditional love. But it's like we want to show up with a full heart, we want to feel inspired, we want to be in that higher self.

So if we can look at our struggles through that lens, then it's like the best way that we can approach it and gives us that positive energy. So taps us into that flow, where then we can be lifted, right? What I was just talking about, there's only one direction at the mountain and that is up. And we're not going to climb that mountain, if we are stuck in a mindset of this struggle is never going to end or this struggle, blah, blah, blah, fill in the blank space. Yeah. So I just invite you to bring in that positive energy that has really helped me with physical pain with emotional pain, going through some really hard things. I'm not saying that's what I wanted to look at it as at the time, but it helped me to move through it to move past it and grow and heal. And there's actually a Rumi quote I love. It's he says Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. We're looking at shedding these layers of barriers of fear. And so we're it's like once I like to visualize, you know, this light, it's cracking open. Then on the other side where this beam of light our hearts open with light. And that's what I kind of think about when I'm reaching towards a desire I can let go of things. It's kind of this release. And once you have that desire, some clarity on it doesn't have to be perfect or just some kind of, you know, this is how I want to feel, and this is how I want to head into the summer, then you've decided that you have a willingness to change. And I think that is actually the hardest step to get to. And my job is not to convince anybody to change, my only job is to hold space. And I have a really hard time because I want people I love to change and like something that's holding them back, I want to give them all these tips and tools, and you guys know me like I just want to help them and, but if they're not willing, there's no point in me helping, all I can do is hold space. So it's really that personal growth, you have to be the one to decide. And that's the hardest part, most people do not get to that place. So writing your intention down looking at it, and being clear that you have a willingness to change that is going to open the door to so much possibility. You know, I used to live my life, like my head down, I was just focused on Do do do be productive. And there was one path to success. And I was really created this confinement, this like suffocation, like I felt like my life was in this box. And it wasn't until I realized there is so much abundance, like you can look outside your window, look at the blades of grass, like a hobby, millions, billions blades of grass there are you can just look at nature to see the amount of been abundance that exists. And then I you know, the possibilities are truly endless. And that's a fun thing with the podcast is we can talk about one thing, and we can see it 50 different ways. There's different perspectives or different tools. And so it's just being able to open up to the endless possibilities. So once you have that willingness, it's like oh, inviting that abundance of vining in, like, oh, there's so many different ways, there's so many different paths up the mountain. And now it's all available to me.

The problem is, is when we get stuck in that negative flow of energy, or even just stuck in an old pattern or an old mindset. So it's this groove of samskaara. So it's like this groove of habit that we've built. And not a bad thing, right, we've used that groove, we've been in it, it's been comfortable. It's been working for us. But the moment that we're asking for something different, we have to step out of that groove and start to build a new groove. And that's the hard part. And actually, I believe something really simple to avoid, once we understand and we can see that we're swimming upstream. So once we see that, then we have the perspective of when we do get in that place when we you know, fall back and we make, you know, we do the wrong thing, or we have a desire, we make the wrong step and we fall into old patterns. We don't have to beat ourselves up. No, no, no, no, like the opposite. We need to give ourselves grace and patience and understanding that we're swimming upstream. And it takes a lot of courage. And it's, it's gonna be hard, we're gonna fall back into those old patterns. We have that perspective. And then we also have the perspective of staying in this inspired place, feeling worthy, being curious, having a sense of wonder, being in that abundant place, we know how we need to shift. And it's very clear. It's just allowing ourselves to be in that place. And understand how we can shift into that pot positive flow of energy so we can move up the mountain. So we're take one step at a time. And it happens in incremental baby little steps. You guys know I say this, it's like a half a step at a time. If you're making real changes in your life. It's not going to happen all at once, and nor should it right, that's just an overwhelm on our nervous system. We want to give ourselves the patience and really enjoy it like that's the fun part. I think that's like when we get into that we have that desire. And then all of a sudden the present moment isn't Good enough, we get stuck in that. And then we're like, oh my gosh, I need to get to that desire, like, this sucks, like this struggle is frickin taking me down, I need to get out of this. That is that our old mindset. So now we're like, ah, like I'm flipping the gear, I know that this present moment is special, and I want to live and take in the moments of life. And this is really exciting because each step I take I'm on this trajectory of changing my life in a positive way. And I can appreciate the struggle while it exists, because it's giving me this opportunity to heal and change open up my heart more be create more unconditional love in my life. So if you can see, like even that, oh, that's a big shift. And that's where we're wanting to fire up as we head into this summer season. And we want to retain that heat. And that's just going to help drive us towards that motivation, keeping that positive mindset. So you have your desire set, you've written it out, you're ready to head into the summer. And now I invite you to just rest in that willingness, rest in that inspired place. And this is really hard. But it is going to make the most difference in setting you out on the right path, and also help you to get there in the right timing through the right direction. I know a lot of us stay in that control mentality. And oh my gosh, that's like me to a tee like I'm always trying to do do do figure it out, try to understand the outcome and the result and try to time it perfectly. And be like, well, I need to get this done in three months. And so if this, you know, problem could really be fixed. Like it doesn't work that way, right? The process is a process of trusting and believing and having faith in yourself. And having faith in the positive energy. Once you align with that, it's going to direct you exactly where you need to go. And I know there's multiple paths up the mountain. And that's when we actually can see what path is going to inspire us the most and give us that most enthusiasm because that's what we want to feel. And so if you're in that receptive place, if you've let go of the pushing, and the control, and rest in the allowing, and really soak up that sunshine, like soak up the light of knowing that you are going to reach exactly where you are meant to be. It's just that you're not having to push for it anymore, it's not gonna have to be hard, you're not gonna have to find the willpower motivation, you're just gonna have an inner sense of knowing. And that's in that relaxed state is when we really start to tune into our intuition. And that's when that comes with a place of ease.

I feel like it takes forever to get to our desire because we're it we're pushing, we're forcing it, we're actually blocking the flow of energy. And so we need to learn again, again, and the universe brings us these struggles, these hardships, these barriers, because we still need to learn, we're still needing to be faced with these things, because we haven't learned it yet. We haven't been present, we haven't been in that energy of gratitude. So just do yourself a favor, let this be easy. Tap into that flow of positive energy. And then see things evolve, be open to creative possibilities, keep your eyes open. And that's really what I want with the podcast. That was my original intention is just having so many different possibilities open to us and being able to tap in and listen to the podcast in that intuitive place. So if something sparks, you know, somebody said something that just like, you know, a little light bulb goes off in your head, you can know that something there. There's something there that you need to follow or think about. And and that can be a really special platform to hold space for that. But as we are evolving, and I'm just like so thrilled to adjust and change the podcast, and let it be mobile and flexible in that way, according to what you guys need. So, again, I invite you to fill out that feedback form. And there's you know, there's different ways in different, there's like multiple choices and, you know, different questions. But I know that there's multiple ways that we all can feel inspired and like, whether it's like doing a workshop or doing a live class or, you know, hearing somebody's story, there's so many different ways that we can head up that path of the mountain. And I just want to know, what inspires you the most like, what are you enthusiastic about what gets you into that energy of empowerment and alignment the quickest and so we really can get you into where that place that center place where you need to be, so that you can open up to your desires and move in that direction. And if you are not part of the newsletter yet, that is our little love bug hub, or little, our little place where we can communicate and connect and support each other. And any updates that happened with a podcast that will be the place that I will let you guys know first, and I want to keep it interactive, I want to keep the community growing and collaborating. So just think that the more that we interact in support like the more fun it is like we just want this to be fun and space that we can all feel enjoyment and uplifting and getting you know that next level up just taking baby steps up that mountain so oh my gosh, you guys it just so happy to have this one year anniversary and I can't wait to hear from you. The link is in the show notes for that feedback form. And just have a beautiful rest of your week. Your next two weeks. Write down your desire set that habit crystal clear and just stay inspired in that place and I will promise you, it will lead you exactly where you want to go. Okay. Love you all. See you next week.


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