103. Cacao Ceremony as a Guide on Your Soul’s Path / Marissa Zelenak




Marissa Zelenak is a Practitioner of Shamanic Energy Healing and a Licensed Massage Therapist. She guides individuals one on one through her private practice based out of Kamas, UT at Shamanic Twist Wellness Center, Institute, and Studio, as well as, teaches several shamanic classes and facilitates cacao ceremony and other ceremonial practices for her community. Marissa found her connection to this path through a yearlong deep personal transformative journey called Medicine Wheel and ultimately this has led her to hold sacred space for those too seeking to connect deeper to their own soul's journey. She now has the privilege of sharing Medicine Wheel to others who feel called to coming back into right relationship with themselves, earth, and spirit. Today's episode we deep dive into the journey within the self, intuition, healing, cacao ceremony, and more. I can't wait for you to listen!

Episode Topics

  • Journey into self

  • How to listen to your intuition

  • Cacao and its benefits physically, mentally emotionally and spirituality. We talk about how it is used in ceremony, and what is ceremony. 

  • We talk about higher self and being in your truest essence and how cacao helps to embody your higher self. 

Shamanic Twist:
Book Appointment with Marissa

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Marissa Zelenak 0:00

More often than not, we are caught up in the nitty gritty details of like, and then this person did that to me. And then like, this isn't what's working out. And this happened to me again and right, like, we get really kind of caught up in our drama. And coming into ceremony. It's like, ah, let's take a breather. Let's put all that mental chatter in the back. Let's put all of that to the side. And let's create more space to come into the remembrance. Let's have assistance, man, let's be supported by a beautiful, beautiful plant that's going to do her whispering as she moves through, as well as support the physical body. It's supporting the emotional body, the mental emotional body, the soul and the spirit. And, and we're not alone in that. And we can become still enough to hear ourselves again.

Katie Graham 1:17

As you guys know, body breaking free is all about coming into your own alignment coming into your own empowered state, and untangling all those things that aren't serving you so that you can be in this place of freedom and alignment and authenticity. And today's sponsors resonate with that message. So I'm really excited to share them with you. The first is pause, breath work. So on any part of your journey through breathwork, if you're ready to explore this amazing tool, pause breathwork has many options. So the first one is the pause facilitator program. If you're ready to step into the role of facilitator, this is their six month expert level training. And you guys this is the training I went through, and I couldn't say enough about how amazing the program is. So if you're interested in stepping into the role of facilitator, you can click on the link in the show notes, check out their program, you can hop on a call with one of their team members to discuss the program. You also feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions via Instagram or email me at hello at Katie Kay graham.com. The next is pause breathwork app. So if you click on the link in the show notes, you get your first month completely free. And this app is awesome. They have so many different options, you can do a three minute breath, or you can do a 20 minute breath work. And it's just a nice tool to have access to. So you can tap back into that aligned place at any moment in your day. So definitely get that first month free sign up and explore that app. It's super, it's awesome. You're gonna love it. Next, the pause breathwork six week online breathwork course is called the journey. I went through the journey. And it's this beautiful progression of learning about breathwork learning how it can be somatic healing. So click on that course if you are ready to dive into it and just kind of explore the six week process. Our next sponsor is element. It is an electro based hydration powder. So I really attached on to this company because this hydration pack it doesn't have a ton of sugar in it like a lot of them that we see out there. And this was actually elements mission to begin with is they wanted an option that didn't have a ton of sugar that had a really good blend of electrolytes. And it's really salt base. So it's really sodium based. And actually the owner Rob, when he was on this low carb diet, he was feeling really depleted and not having those carbohydrates. And then he realized he didn't need more sugar. He didn't have to eat more carbohydrates. What he really needed was more sodium. That's what he created and that was his purpose with element. These hydration powder packs are so awesome. So click on the link in the show notes. If you're looking for that little extra electrolyte boost in your day. When you use this link you will get a free bonus sample pack with your purchase when New purchase a 12 count variety pack 30 Count boxes or insider bundles. And this sample pack has all these different yummy flavors, watermelon and raspberry and even chocolate. So lots of like fun, different flavors to try out. So test it out and enjoy this electrolyte boost in your day. Okay, let's dive back into the episode. Hey you guys and welcome back to the podcast. I am your host Katie Graham. And today we have Marissa zelan ak on the episode, you guys this is so juicy, it's so good. We really get into like the soul's calling the souls path, the truest essence of who you are. And that unfolding that happens when we keep coming back into choosing self over and over and the journey. What does that even journey look like? And how do we listen to our intuition. We also talk about cacao and its benefits physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We talk about how cacao is used in ceremony and what is ceremony. We talk about higher self and being in your truest essence and how cacao can help you embody your highest self. Marissa is such a wealth of knowledge. She is a practitioner of shamanic energy healing and a licensed massage therapist. She guides individuals one on one through her private practice based out of Camus, Utah. At shamanic twist, wellness center Institute and studio as well as teaches several shamanic classes and facilitates cacao ceremonies and other ceremonial practices for her community. Marisa found her connection to this path through a year long, deep personal transformation journey called medicine will and ultimately has led her to hold sacred space for those two seeking to connect deeper to their own soul journey. She now has the privilege of sharing medicine wheel to others who feel called to coming back into right relationship with themselves. Earth and spirit. The best, this is the best, it's so good. I felt like any time that we can come into a conversation or space or container that just allows us to like feel into alignment. Like he'll like come on to this path that the soul is calling us forward into, to step into what is our what is our highest self, what is our true essence of self that is beyond. Like when we get to remove those limits and blockages and fears and pain and just keep like coming back into that re remembering. Maria says like she's so embodied in this work that her clarity is just pure seen. It's so good it. I feel like sometimes I fumble with words and like trying to explain something I'm like, you'll like that exactly like that. And it feels really good to be able to speak like that and just come into this soft, squishy, unsure place and a conversation and then somebody's right there to reflect back the clarity and the alignment and the qualities of what we are coming home into. And it's you it's your power, you get to step into your power and it's so full of worthiness and confidence and empowerment and truth. And it feels so good when we can step into that vibration because that's what you're meant to be that is your true essence. Everything else that's layered on top of that has been learned. And we get to remove that we get to unlearn the things that are not you we get to untangle those parts of you that are not us so that you can live and feel more truly who you truly are. And Marissa is a gift to be able to give us that alignment today on today's episode. So just soak up the love and light and take a listen. Marissa thank you so minds for being on body breaking free podcast today. Thanks for having me, Katie. This isn't me so good I, we were just chatting about the mission with a podcast and how there are so many different modalities that we can tap into that help bring us onto our soul's path help us tap into our highest calling, and just more and more feel like we're living a life in alignment. And Marisa you bring in this energy of healing and light and love, your heart is so open. And when I went to your cacao ceremony, I felt that I also felt such power from the cacao itself. And you just have I could you just have so much wisdom to share. And I wanted to just chat with you after the ceremony. And then I was like, Wait a second, let's just bring her onto the podcast and have all the listeners soak up this energy and help them come into more alignment. So I am really grateful for you for having just the courage to to be here today and chat. Yeah,

Marissa Zelenak 11:16

thank you. Thank you for seeing me. First and foremost, I think a lot of us that find the passion of whatever that might be that is here to connect us more on that soul level. And if you have that calling of kind of wanting to bring it to the people and bring it out to your community, or the collective or whatever that is, it's always such a special thing to be seen and felt and that there's a resonance and that sharing, so thank you

Katie Graham 11:43

for that. Yeah, yeah, there's a total resonance. I mean, it's like, everything is a vibration, right, everything is an energy. And you can feel that within people that are like, they have stepped into that resonance within themselves. Not saying there's like a perfect place that we're, you know, arriving into, but you can tell when somebody's really energetically like, in that resonance of who they are. And we can feel that as human beings, right. It's not like the way that you look or your body way or all these like external things that you might have, like, that energy is so potent. And I think we're starting to realize that more as like a collective, we're starting to feel that everything is energy, and people are energy. And that's how we actually kind of succeed in this external world is when we're in an energy of alignment. We're matching what we want on the outside. So I think that's one thing our ego is kind of like really into is, let's, yeah, let's like thrive in this world, externally and internally, but not for me to like, go off this huge tangent, but I really feel that within you is that you have this really strong resonance. And I think it's going to come across beautifully on the podcast today. So I'm so excited to dive into like, how, how the hell do we like give ourselves the permission to step into our own alignment? How do we even know what this path is all about? And then we'll certainly talk about cacao. And you can give us all the beautiful insights into that as well. So Marissa, let's first just start with your journey. You are a shamanic healer. And you arrived into this, like area of energy work and cacao ceremony. So tell us a little bit about the path that led you into this place?

Marissa Zelenak 13:50

Yeah, wow. It's one of those moments where you're like, where do you begin with something like that? You know, if I could really talk about maybe a pivotal moment in time, high school, break, be really challenging for a lot of us, you're kind of trying to figure out who you are in the world as you're kind of differentiating from your family system. And you're having more of an awareness around your community in the collective in that way. And who are you in the mix of all of that? And, you know, it was challenging for me as an individual. I suffered from depression as I felt like I didn't belong as I felt like I wasn't good enough as I had all of this kind of insecurity and where do i Where do I step in and who am I truly, and it was a lived experience within kind of, you know, that dark night of the soul that you kind of talk about in this big way, but it was in a lived experience, where I had a reprieve kind of in the depths of that, that reminded me of what it could feel like to be in the freedom of who you are, even when you don't know who you are. And where does that get to authentically shine out into the world. And so I had this like, taste of it. And in that there was a conscious and honestly an unconscious moment of I need to keep recreating this, or giving myself enough space, or whatever that means to have that be what my life begins to look and feel like. So I didn't know what that was, or that's like, really broad in big. But how I've come to this journey, as as you become maybe clearer, even when it's just a feeling even when you don't have the nitty gritty details of how you're going to overcome something or what goals and aspirations you're going to reach. I had a feeling, I experienced it. And then I said, Okay, I want to follow that. And with that comes the synchronistic breadcrumbs, where all of a sudden, you're reading a book, I mean, I can't remember what the book was, it was something like the Happiness Project or something like that. And then the book starts talking about meditation. And then all of a sudden, I'm diving in, and exploring meditation, and yoga and all these different mindful practices at a decently young age. And then I'm questioning why do I exist? And why am I here? And is there something bigger than myself, and what is a higher power and what is my highest self, and then I'm meeting people. And then I'm having deeper conversations with different mentors that start coming in ebbing and flowing in my life, different classes. So I would say from like, 15, was kind of this moment in time that then sent me on this trajectory that I had no idea was going to lead me to become, quote, unquote, a shaman. And it allowed for me to be really loose with what that could look like and be like for myself, and to allow for my passion to kind of grow inside of me. And I've been fluid and letting it evolve into what it is now. And it's still evolving. Like it's still growing and evolving for me. Long story short, I kind of entered maybe more of the alternative healthcare through massage, so I have a background in massage therapy. I've been a massage therapist for the last eight years. And that opened the door of wanting to be of service in this kind of way, as well as allow me to explore a little bit more into the energy side of things. Massage then started to branch out and open other doors, and one of them was shamanism. So I used to work at a local spa here in Park City. And there was a woman named Daniel Bryan that started working there. And Daniel Bryan was a shaman. As I was told, I had a really good friend, she's like, Marissa, you're going through some stuff in life because at the time, right kind of ebb and flow is going through like another period of what's the next thing where am I ready to grow? How do I come more into alignment with my sense of self? Daniel Bryan shows up Hey, merci, you should go get a session from her. It's really powerful. It was amazing. I feel like you'd resonate with it. And I remember when she said the word Shaman. First first thought that came through my mind was Who the hell is this lady thinks she is calling herself a shaman. And in the same, like breath, I was like, what? Why is a shaman? Like, I don't actually even know what that means. And I'm from the East Coast. So like, we can be a little blunt and direct. So like, in my form, I just marched straight up to her. And I'm like, Yeah, so like, what are you like, what is the shaman? Can you tell me what you do? She's like, wow, okay. Yeah. So she starts explaining and, you know, at the time she starts talking about, well, you know, a shaman shamans have been around for 1000s and 1000s of years. You find them all over the world, right? We've got our North Native American shamanism we've gotten golian shamanism, we've got African shamanism, we have South American shamanism, so these indigenous tribes and cultures, Celtic, I mean, all over the world. There's a difference in the sense of where they're located and maybe how they come to with their ritual and practice. or ceremony. But all in all, as a whole, there's a common thread. So a shaman is one who can navigate amongst the spirit realms on behalf of themselves. And another, it's the one who remembers that we live in an animated world that we can communicate with the mountains and the stars and the trees and the rivers that there's actually no separation between ourselves and earth. There's no separation between ourselves and spirit or that higher power, and that we come to life from a souls journey. So right away, I was like, oh, make sense. Like that lands, okay. And I had a session from her. And in the session, she kind of calls in sacred space, which is something that I do in my ceremonies, it's what holds beautiful, beautiful container with intention. This sacred space calls in the four cardinal directions that calls in the Great Mother, Mother Earth, the calls in spirit and your highest self, and in that it allows us to begin to reorganize to our life so we can come into right relationship with ourselves so we can come into alignment. And so she opens this beautiful sacred space, and I had never heard it before, in this way. But somewhere inside of me, I knew it. And I was just thinking to myself, Oh, this feels like hold on whatever that means. And I had a beautiful opportunity where she said, you know, Marissa, if this really does resonate and land for you. It's here for you. I'm here to teach you and guide you. So Daniel Bryan, I met her back in 2016. She has been my mentor ever since I've studied under her. This particular shamanic path that I follow is Indian based. So it comes from South America. I've gone through deep deep studies and dive through it since 2017. And now have the great honor of not only being a practitioner of shamanic energy healing, but leading and holding spaces and facilitating different ceremonies, whether that's cacao fire ceremony, other different traditional ceremonies to the Andean path, as well as beyond that, and teach different classes and workshops that reignite the very core principle of right guys, we live in this animated world. And how beautifully put Katie were saying, yeah, if I've can begin to shift what's going on internally, there is some type of frequency that emanates from me, that then attracts that within my external world, and it becomes this mirror. And when we realize that we live in this world of no separation, we become creators of it, and it becomes malleable. And we can start to move it and shift it and shape it in a way that feels more in alignment on a soul level. And, you know, overarching theme, it's an interesting journey of how I've gotten here. One of them said, I was a little kid, I want to be a shaman when I grew up, but there was little breadcrumbs of choosing into self that has guided me to find the thing that lands and resonates the most for me. And that's this particular path.

Katie Graham 23:30

Oh my gosh, that I was just soaking all of that. And what a gift Maria say you are, there's so much clarity and your words, and you can feel that on a soul level. I don't think I've had anybody on the podcast before where we've really like dove into this whole, like Soul alignment unfolding, like yumminess that is why I believe each of us is here. And I want to like, I want to highlight a few things that you said because there's so much goodness and what you said, I think I could go back and listen to what you just said like 100 times and get something different each time I heard it. I'm not joking, like seriously. The one thing that really stood out to me as this this like this, like malleable, almost allowing yourself to loosely hold the breadcrumbs like It's like this, like flexibility within the listening to your intuition. And there's this aspect of have really allowing trust within yourself to follow something that doesn't feel so like edgy, or, like so obvious. And that part I almost feel like can be a hump for a lot of us like this mountain to get over or to climb up to, because there's so many social expectations that are blockages to that allowing of the trusting the intuition, if that makes sense. 100%

Marissa Zelenak 25:41

and it still is a journey for me. Oh my gosh, right. Like, the ego wants to know, we like in even in our western world, we love kind of compartmentalizing things and having things figured out because there's a semantic sense of safety in that the unknown, where you're like, I'm sorry, you want me to follow like a gut feeling that like doesn't really have edges to it. And like, I don't even know if I have an image in my mind. But I've just got this like feeling that I'm like, Yeah, okay, you want me to trust that? Like, whoa, that egos like, okay, hold on, let me pull from my past really quick and start, like, digging through the files of like, what potentially could go wrong. Or let me start to see what's happening in my external world and compare myself to that, to then get a better sense of like, what it is that I actually needed, whatever that is pursue, follow, believe in, hold on to. I mean, it's an uncomfortable place of surrender. And I just put my friend just pulled card from an Oracle deck for me like two days ago? Because we do we come up through these different thresholds in life, where it's like, hey, hey, can you remember to just surrender to the process of this kind of mystical magical unfolding, that can take place when we allow for the soul to guide us and not the ego to be the one that's like driving the train. And that can be really challenging, because we do we grow up in a, whether it's within our family system, there's really, beyond belief systems that have been passed down through that family dynamic, whether it's where we were born and raised within a country, whether it's where what community we're tapped into, we start to be influenced by all these external stories and narratives and belief systems that can debilitate us from truly being still and listening to that intuitive guidance, that trust that feeling. And surrender into it. Because we don't always know what's going to come on the other side.

Katie Graham 28:01

Yeah, I'm just thinking, like, is there a tangible way to just start allowing yourself to listen to your intuition? Because if there's, you know, probably a lot of listeners listening, it's like, well, how do we? How do I start just like allowing that little whisper to come through?

Marissa Zelenak 28:25

It's developing a relationship, that intuitive guidance is not special to just the select few gifted people of the world? We all have it. And you spoke earlier, Katie, of I feel like we're kind of coming into like, this day and age where more and more people are, what is it the trendy thing is like becoming woke? I think we're recognizing that we're all really sensitive. You know, people are like, I'm not sensitive, like I can't tune into that. I'm gonna say more often than not, you're pretty sensitive to what's going on around you. And there is a gut feeling that you can tap into, like anything, anything that you have in life, the more that you devote intention and put energy towards developing that relationship, the more you can tune in, because it's subtle, man, it's so subtle. It's not always loud and clear in some like big neon light that's flashing out, you know, it's really subtle. But you start to develop that. And then there's a place of having more choice, and being able to trust it. And that's what we want to create is a deeper awareness to that subtlety. So we have choice, and tangible practices. I mean, you and I are going to talk about it today. But cacao is a beautiful way to begin to really hone that in to drop in to allow yourself to open up and be like, hey, A What is that internal guidance that's within me that is actually my soul having dialogue with me. And you know, cacao is a beautiful way to start deepening that relationship.

Katie Graham 30:14

Yeah, I just thinking about my own journey and path and there was there recently I feel like specifically I've like really been, you know, I'm, I'm just like, I'm done with the like, merry go round and spinning in circles. And just like the chaos that is my mind, like the constant chatter you just so you know, you're just like, start craving this, like, I'm just so ready to step into my soul's calling, like, whatever that is. And I just know that feeling of being there that like resonance we were talking about earlier, just like, is like pure lightness. It's just like pure this like pure source of love. You just like feel it so powerfully. And I tap into that place and I tap out right like I'm like in and out. But for me, I wanted to mention is like similar in your story is like, you start reading about like, mindfulness, and you start getting this broader awareness. And I've been reading Michael singers Untethered Soul. I've actually, like I read it once before, but I'm rereading it. And it's really giving me this great perspective on the consciousness, like being the observer, like watching what's happening, so that I can be in that sea of self and observe, like, with non judgement, just seeing, like, what is this chatter going on in my mind, and being able to just view from this? Like, like, I always I like that my mantras like, so hum, like I say, like, so hum, so hum. So it's that and I like arise me and like, almost like the back of my head, where I'm, I'm viewing the thoughts like, it's like a very, like, I'm, I'm, there's a very deep awareness. And when I stand outside in the mornings, I can just view like, I can just view like, the birds and the trees and the clouds. And I'm just, I'm just trying to kind of almost be in this like, empty, empty space of just consciousness. Right. Okay. So I think that's something to know. Because I think there is a part on the souls path that as humans, it is important to understand the different aspects of consciousness, like, being in the like, I am. My thoughts, like everything I'm thinking is true, and but in the drama and stuff. And then being behind that and viewing like, from your see of self as like, a separation, right? Like, this is like being in my soul. And this has been my ego. And then another thing that I'm just like, reflecting back on what you were talking about, Marissa, it's something for me is that in intuition I've been following is just what like, feels good. Just like Oh, does that that feels really good. And I'm going to follow that and tell, maybe doesn't, for instance, I've lately just been like laying on my floor, and just like feeling the weight of my body and just this like, deep grounding, it feels like, like, I've needed this for so long, just laying there like feeling like almost my shoulders start to sink down and my heart starts to open and I feel this like very grounding. And it feels so good in my body that I'm like, I follow that feel good feeling. Okay, so I wanted to throw out those examples just to like, allow the listeners to explore like, I don't know. Do you have any comments on that? Oh, heck, yeah.

Marissa Zelenak 34:13

First and foremost, I want to talk about that feel good feeling that you're speaking into a core principle in this Indian past. So this shamanic path that I've come to kind of do a little bit more of a deeper dive and study on is it spaced from Peru and their core principle is something called it the Quechua word I nee I hear ni and it means to come into right relationship to come into right relationship with yourself to come into right relationship with the earth to come into right relationship with their physical body to come into right relationship with your family or with your partner or with their friends or with your job or or or I mean If it's this core principle of what is feeling good, what is in alignment for me? And can I have enough awareness or be the observer of my life to recognize when it's off out of balance, used to be like this? But now all of a sudden, it's like this, right? We've been in the relationships where it's like, yeah, this is my person, like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then all of a sudden, it's like, oh, it's no longer in alignment? And can we find that we have the power of being in our choice? And that when we realize when something's not quite right, when it's a little off? When our intuition is like, I don't know about this anymore. I don't know about this job anymore. It's kind of soul sucking. Right? We hear we hear people say that, Oh, yeah, I've soul sucking.

Katie Graham 35:56

Yeah, I literally have said that. No, to

Marissa Zelenak 35:58

me, I'm like, where are you not an irony? What is out of out of relationship? What is not in alignment? And is there a practices that you can start to do to kind of bring you back and so I love that you're sharing, I've been on a physical body journey myself, I've had some weird physical stuff come up over the last couple months that have just been different than something I normally experience. And so I've been tuning in. So you've been saying, You've been just laying on your floor, feeling the like, you know, your back being supported. I've totally been doing the Barefoot thing. I've been taking my shoes off, and I've been going into the dirt of the ground. You know, it's beautiful out now, like Spring Summer is here. And I mean, I'm gonna sound like that hippie, but I've literally been digging my feet in. And we have like something crazy, like 200,000 nerve endings in our feet or something. I don't know, I could be using wrong numbers. But it's a lot a lot. Yeah, think about that, as we bring connection down our awareness right? Here we are with that mental chatter. And we've got kind of that chaos in the mind that is there, it's a part of who we are. All of a sudden, we bring sensation down. And we can feel it in our feet, and you're walking around, and you have to be kind of mindful, because now all of a sudden, you're feeling that rock that's underneath your big toe, or you're feeling the coolness of the grass, or maybe there's an ant that crawls over the top of your foot. Now you're bringing your awareness to the very present moment. And you're reconnecting to sensation again, within your body. As we reconnect to our physical body, we can tune in more to our intuition. Another thing that is been absolutely profound in my life, though, is ceremony. And so that's deep calling for me. And ceremony, you can do it in a big, elaborate way where you got like a group of people sitting around in your holding space. You can even bring ceremony to washing your dishes. And what is that even really mean? It means where do you get to be in a mindful present practice? Where do you get to pick the sponge up? And you run it under the water and you feel it absorbing the water? And then you're taking it to the plate and you're watching as the sponge begins to scrub off any food that's been caked on? And what is the temperature of the water? Like it's where you start to tune in to the subtlety, where do you get to pick up a cup, and it has tea in it or cacao and, or coffee and you just take a nice deep breath and you smell the aroma. And then you drink it in and you taste the flavor. That's being in ceremony that's coming into stillness that's coming into presence. The more that we come into presence with every little thing that we do in life, the more that we get to come to a choice point. Because we have enough awareness of when we can tell something's in alignment or something's off. We're still enough to have the chaos of our thoughts going but all of a sudden feel in the body just doesn't feel good. What do I need right now? And like I said, it's a developing a relationship. I mean, and it's a never ending development of a relationship. It continues to grow and evolve. Don't get me wrong. I mean it'd be badass to become like completely self actualized and like enlightened and just be like and I'm out. Like I've completed this lifetime, Let me transfer then that would be sick is that everyone's journey in this life? I don't know. Probably not. Right? Like you really want to dedicate yourself like at the top of the mountains in the caves but, but we can start to incorporate. And so ceremony was a gateway for me on a big level for my community, but on a very personal level. And you can do that with anything and everything, whether it takes two seconds, or you draw it out for an hour, it can become a daily ritual and practice that you bring into your life, which is actually the way you engage with the soul. The soul is mythic, the soul like imagery and poetry and dance and like yummy food. And just like it's this mythic expression in life. When we engage with the soul, and we come into this ceremony, it's all of a sudden you go outside, and you start to observe the birds and you hear the sounds and you smell the air and you see the colors of wild flowers everywhere. That's the mythic soul engaging. So ceremony and ritual in that way can help fortify and strengthen that which deepens your communicative relationship to your own soul intuition, whatever that is.

Katie Graham 41:22

Oh, I'm so glad that we like segue into this is perfect into ceremony with cacao specifically. So let's dive into it. Because I could just tangent on what we're talking about for literally hours and hours.

Marissa Zelenak 41:39

You'll have to reel me in I love like going off into many, many direction. No, yeah,

Katie Graham 41:43

no, it's so good. When I say it and go for it. I'm my job is just to keep us on track. That's all I'm here for. So this is perfect. So yeah, tell us like, first, you've had your own personal journey with cacao. And I would love to hear how you have embodied cacao and how she has helped support you. And then we'll kind of dive more into the actual ceremony and how you set it up to be most supportive, and what kind of the purpose is behind all that and kick house traits and everything? Yeah, most

Marissa Zelenak 42:22

definitely. So I was introduced to cacao through this path, I was in ceremony. And it was given to us as a way to come into deep deep intention. So how I came to learn about cacao is every plant has its own spirit essence. And cacao has its own wisdom. Its own medicine is what we call it. Each plant has its own medicine, its own wisdom, its its own living energy and being and so you can connect to the healing properties that come from plants. And so cacao. Cacao is this bean comes from this beautiful fruit and when it's harvested and when it's prepared in its ceremonial grade quality. This is known as mama cacao Eesh cacao. So she has a deep, deep feminine energy. And I learned that she is here to support us in on a spiritual energetic level expanding opening our hearts she brings in this whole love frequency and energy. And in that place of consuming her and drinking her you drink cacao in this way. She will energetically align to you to support you and coming into the present moment. Dropping in dropping in with your soul with that sense of higher self and to set intention to bring whatever that might be to fruition, what needs healing what needs to shift, what is out of alignment. She's here to support so I was in a ceremony where we were offered cacao and I remember you know, smelling her drinking her it's different than chocolate so some people are like okay, like are you like eating like, like chocolate like what is this like those cocoa like cocoa powder like hot chocolate? It's like no, not quite. Cacao is at its purest form before it goes through any process when you start going into cocoa powder and chocolate This is where where it starts to become diluted, it's where they start to pull it apart where they put additives in it and things like this. We're talking about like the purest, rawest form of having this cacao bean. Now, when it's in its purest, rawest form, it is at its most nutritional vibrancy. So actually consuming a cup of cacao is allowing you to receive some of the highest minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. So it has everything from magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, it has healing medicinal properties that brings serotonin into the body dopamine silo thymine, which is actually a love molecule, it actually will bring another molecule into the brain that allows for more bliss and kind of that ecstasy feeling. It will lower that place of stress and anxiety. Um, it supports the physical body, it supports the muscles, the tissues, it actually supports your bones and your body. When you consume this, and you bring this in, it is a vasodilator. So it will bring more blood flow through your hearts, more oxygen into your brain, it expands your bronchi. So you can actually breathe in more oxygen into your lungs. Powerful, powerful plant medicine on a physical level. on a spiritual level. She is this nurturing, motherly love. She's the goddess of fertility. So cacao comes from Mesoamerica 1000s of years, the Mayan land indigenous people of the Mayan lands were consuming and drinking cacao. This is something you find through Central America through South America. It's very, very part of ceremonial practice, on a spiritual and energetic level, it can bring cleansing, and releasing of old narratives and stories and limiting beliefs, it can bring healing ancestrally, that's been passed down and allow you to come into more of that love frequency. And so in the ceremony, I experienced a deep spiritual connection. And it so it is an antigen. I think I'm saying that, right. It's not psychoactive to the extent of like psilocybin or any other kind of plant medicine in that realm. But it can kind of take you to the threshold. So you might get a euphoric body feeling because there's actually so much magnesium in it, you will get a sense of deep relaxation in your body and it energetically begins to expand and open up so you can kind of get a euphoric feel that can take you into deeper journeys. When I do ceremony, I like to do journey intentionally because it opens you up. So when I consumed it for the first time, I had that kind of euphoric feel. And that deep presence that comes because it actually has a little bit of caffeine in it can help your mental focus. And so all of a sudden, I'm in this kind of mental focus, expanded state, and I was like, holy, oh, my god, man, this is crazy. And you feel good. And she feels like she's got her arms around you, and that you can surrender to her and begin to open up completely beautiful plant medicine. And that was my first experience. And so from there, I began to go into different ceremony and having cacao. And then along the way, someone actually gifted me cacao. And I began to do an at home practice where I was drinking it every single day. I've gone on and off. I'll do it for a month at a time, two months at a time. And I would come into a ritual ceremonial practice with myself instead of having the coffee that you make. Every morning I was making a cup of cacao and I would sometimes sit and meditate. I would sometimes journal I would sometimes pull a card out of an Oracle deck. I would go into body movement. I was beginning to actually explore more sound with my voice There is a more feminine quality. And when I say feminine, I'm going to say divine feminine. So we're going to talk about not like man and woman, but the energetic frequency of the feminine, which is kind of that Yin energy, it moves a little bit slower. It connects us to a little bit more of our emotions, that kind of wild, untamed aspect. It's flowy, there's movement and fluidity to feminine energy that started to really come through me and soften me and allow me to kind of find my own voice in different ways. Whether that was through song or through conversation, I been in deep, deep conversations with cacao, my partner and I, we both will drink cacao together and get into these depths of conversation that has actually brought us closer together in our relationship. But it's also brought profound clarity within one another. That has brought healing individually into each other's lives just through kind of setting that space in that container and allowing ourselves to talk. So I started to begin to notice subtleties, and big moments within my cacao journey. And then in that space, I was like, I want to bring this with people. I want to facilitate and you talk about embodiment, there's a place of starting to embody aspects of myself that have been wanting to come back into alignment that each cacao mama cacao was like, Hey, sweetie, I got you. Let's go explore.

Katie Graham 51:55

It was so supportive for me when I was in ceremony for you to name all of these benefits and qualities. Because it it opened me to receive the possibilities. It was like I consciously now was aware of what I was bringing in, and then I could embody it. Do you feel like there's like this conscious awareness and then there's also like, the body awareness meets the mental awareness, kind of that makes sense.

Marissa Zelenak 52:30

So right here, we are kind of talking about the ego before I find that when we start talking about more of like the spiritual energetic, like, this is what you could possibly experience. It's so subtle, that it's just like, okay, maybe. But when we kind of like, get into the scientific intellectualize, let's like, get down to the like, the cold, hard facts of how this thing actually can help, then all of a sudden, you're hearing all this positive benefit on a physical level, and you're like, Well, that makes sense. I can resonate with that. And I can open myself up to receiving at least that physical, because that's for sure happening. Now what comes spiritually energetically, that's going to be so unique for you. And only you'll really be able to know and tune in, but the first kind of like stepping stone or like getting your toe in, like let's talk about the physical benefit, because there's a heck of a ton that comes from it. And you'll begin to let that moves through your body which in turn, allows for whatever other experience to just organically show up for you.

Katie Graham 53:44

Yeah, I am. I've been to a few different cacao ceremonies, and yours was definitely the most profound and I think there is something as a facilitator to name the possibilities like name. The like, the intention is so strong, and I understand that is what you were just talking about Marissa is like when you're receiving the cacao, you are like experience your own experience, like it's your own embodiment and the the spiritual and energy aspect, like it's so unique that you can't really you can't like you can't really can like put boundaries over it and name what's going to happen. But there's something in the role of facilitator that when you open up the like the possibilities and the expansion and the like availability and it opens my capacity to receive it and I'm more powerful way I am, there's something there, I'm not really sure. I mean, I've, I've stepped into a role of facilitator through breathwork. And I'm trying to understand how I can support my clients more. I definitely gained so much from your ceremony just as the lens of facilitator and the way that you can really create a more powerful experience for your community. And I know there's a lot of facilitators listening to this podcast, so I wanted to name that was just really, like really opened me up in your ceremony. And then on a personal level, there was like so much that I gained from it and probably not consciously aware of a lot of things that I gained from it. But definitely, like so much heart opening, so much embrace like that motherly embrace. And I loved what you said at the end when you were talking about these parts that you were able to like go more deeply into within your body and you knew that you had that that motherly embrace like you were supported so that you could feel safe to enter in to those places in your body. And I'm I'm I'm that kind of sparked my intuition like yeah, there's some places that I'm still holding a lot of fear in my in pain in my body. So I think cacao could definitely help me embody that more. And, and there was this like, moment in it. You're like, I've it wasn't like psychedelic, obviously. But it did. It was felt not earthly like it felt. Like if that makes sense, like, it felt. So gosh, it felt so spiritual. It felt so. So I was driving home from this ceremony and I was driving from Camus to Park City. So I was going over this like

Marissa Zelenak 57:07

what do you call it? Like over the jordanelle?

Katie Graham 57:09

Yeah, over on the dry now. Yeah, you basically open up to this, like beautiful, like mountains and like gorgeous Lake and there was this like voice that was just like it was, I think it was my spirit. And she was just, she was just very aware that I was just here to experience I it was weird that I was here in a human body that I was experiencing this life. Like, I just had this like weird moment where I was just like, Whoa, it was so I was so not my human anymore. It was like this awareness. Again, that was like high and back. And it was like, You're gonna experience this life. And this is that one life. And it's kind of crazy and weird that you're here on earth experiencing this life. I can't really put it into words, but it definitely opened me up in a weird way. weird ways, probably. In the expansive, really expansive way. A very, very wow, like, this is special. This is really, this is this is an this is a bigger observation of why I'm here and what what is happening. A very big picture, like beauty within it. And so I definitely wanted to share that experience. To just name that it cracked me open.

Marissa Zelenak 58:45

Absolutely Powerful, Katie, and that's, that's that plant medicine, right? You know, for those of you that, like have gone down the rabbit hole of like, maybe those plant medicines that really blast you off. Like, usually, typically, there's a common theme that everyone says And there's this interconnectedness and this oneness and you know, mama cow, she's softer, she's more gentle, but she will allow you to come into expansiveness of whatever that remembrance is. Maybe that's that place of oh my gosh, what a wild existence that I'm living. You know, I recently in had an experience with cacao that's similar to what you're saying, Katie, where I was like, What a miracle. Yeah, your friend had been talking to me and she's like a blip in time. And it really made me think about how in the grand scheme of things like myself as Marissa Zelnick is probably this like, millisecond and the whole trajectory of Earth's existence. I'm just this blip in time. What am Miracle it is that I get to like, show up and be unique and myself. Now cacao can sometimes open your eyes to that remembrance of Wow, okay? There's this whole soul that's animating this body and it's doing this thing and it's engaging with people, and it's got good days and bad days. What a trip.

Katie Graham 1:00:24

Yeah, but you said that you name the words perfectly, it's this remembrance. It's this bigger picture perspective, or it's like, oh my gosh, I'm opening more and more into this love like this infinite love that it's not so caught up in the humaneness and the craziness of just the messiness of life, which is perfect as well, like, I'm in it all the time, I get caught in it, but it is that ceremony that you're talking about, you're able to just step out of that and be in this remembrance. It's like,

Marissa Zelenak 1:00:59

let's put the brakes on, let's take a pause, because you're right, like, in life. More often than not, we are caught up in the nitty gritty details of like, and then this person did that to me. And then like, this isn't what's working out. And this happened to me again, and right, like, we get really kind of caught up in our drama. And coming into ceremony, it's like, ah, let's take a breather. Let's put all that mental chatter in the bag. Let's put all of that to the side. And let's create more space to come into the remembrance, let's have assistance, man, let's be supported by a beautiful, beautiful plant that's going to do her whispering as she moves through, as well as support the physical body. It's supporting the emotional body, the mental emotional body, the soul and the spirit. And, and we're not alone in that. And we can become still enough to hear ourselves again, this thing to let that be, you know, vocal again and take up space. And I mean, cacao has just been a beautiful support and resource, right? You're talking about, you have this podcast where hair, guys, here's a plethora of different avenues you can go explore. So you've got so much out there, and there's no right or wrong thing. And everyone's gonna be different and what resonates and lands and cacao is another resource. She's here she's accessible. Go build a relationship with her because in turn, you're building a relationship with yourself.

Katie Graham 1:02:44

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're choosing, you're choosing to come into self. And like, like circling back to right at the beginning, when you are going on that journey. It's like, you're like, I didn't know. Like, I wasn't, I didn't know what, like, what that was, you know what that was, I didn't I didn't figure it out. I just was following this. Flow and breadcrumbs and loosely holding it, you know,

Marissa Zelenak 1:03:19

gotta be fluid, man. Gotta be fluid, the when we start gripping and holding on tight, that's when we need her like, see, like, Ooh, what is what's, what's going on there? Is there a fear? Is there a belief system that's telling me that I'm not worthy enough? I'm not good enough. Do I feel safe? Do I not feel seen? Do I feel like I belong? What's this?

Katie Graham 1:03:44

And it's there. And it's like, the fear and limiting beliefs and those wounded parts, those triggers, whether it shows up within yourself or within relationships. They, I just want to make the point that it's there, they're like, I've never been in a place without those, like we're talking about would be nice to be in this lighten place, right. But we're always as humans, we're always going to have pain, like pain is not optional. The suffering is when it's optional, and we create suffering when we're holding on to the pain when we're creating a story around the pain. And it's okay, if you're in a place of suffering. Also know that you don't have to stay and move in the darkness to heal. Like there's always light. You are Love, right? All that you are is love and you're able to access that in a moment. And what I find the ceremonies to be is the light even if you're dealing With the darkness, and I have found, I'm still understanding healing and I'm still trying to observe it and just like my own personal experience with it. But I've, I personally have found myself to be caught in the darkness caught in the healing trying to figure it out in the sludge. And I've also realized that I can lift out of it, and I can heal in the light and move through and then come back in the darkness and put the light like shine the light down into it, and heal it from a lighter place. That might not those words might not be like consciously making sense. But

Marissa Zelenak 1:05:47

I mean, I get what you're saying, I think especially when you start down the rabbit hole of like, quote, unquote, self healing, right? We can get caught on spiritual like treadmill, where all of a sudden, it's just like, what's the next thing I have to heal the next thing what's next thing was I need to fix that I need to fix that in my in my shadow right now what's in my shadow right? Now let's, let's look in the shadow right now. I'm gonna like start digging through the muck. And I just recently had a revelation. Especially when you start learning a lot of tools, you start getting you got all of your tools. And so you're like, Yeah, let's process I want to process let's keep processing. What can happen in the processing is that we are we think we need to do it in the tough, dark, hard, murky, emotional, challenging, whether you're suffering or not suffering places. And I think what you're saying, Katie are like the quality that I'm getting from you maybe is, let's recognize that that is always a place that will take us there when the time is right. But we don't have to constantly be like hyper vigilant and being caught in there. When there's actually places of deep healing and resource and gifts and wisdom that can come out of a place of density it can actually be received, when we start to access that higher vibrational state of energy. And maybe that's light. And you're right, I think, now your ceremonial places give us the opportunity to move the density out of the way. So we call that who Cha call that. So cachewall words like dense mass, let's get that shadow that depth that dark, let's move the density and come into a space that has a tight container to hold that that's actually bringing shift and transformation to it. Whether you're doing a bunch of the legwork or not, it's happening you get to receive to then access the higher vibrational frequency and state that is here to say, hey, and remember this beautiful gift that is yours. And remember this thing that's actually in alignment, because you own it and you claim it. Remember this wisdom. Remember this resource that's infinite around you. Remember how you only had this amount of possibilities. Now look at this. And that's what ceremonial spaces are coming into plant medicine with cacao, or whatever that is, can start to support you so it doesn't feel like you got the pick axe and shovel and you gotta like do all the work. It's like, Hey, that's not that fun.

Katie Graham 1:08:40

Yeah, yeah.

Marissa Zelenak 1:08:41

Let's go shift that whole belief system and bring you into a container that can actually hold you and help support that transformation. So you can come into a higher vibrational state. Frequency. Yes, that is of light. Yes,

Katie Graham 1:08:58

that's you nailed it. You nailed that higher, higher vibration. Yep. And we're in it's when you're listening, whoever's listening, it's we're each on our own journey. And it's like, you can take that whatever we just named, and it could mean a million different things, right? And so like taking it in and on your own uniqueness and like where you're at and helping you arrive more and more into alignment. And this, these modalities this, like, beautiful opening of there's so many offerings. That help will help you come into your higher self. Marissa, tell us what you think higher self means and how you think a cow can help support bringing somebody into their higher self.

Marissa Zelenak 1:09:58

So how I have personally come to no higher self right through my lens. And perspective. I believe that higher self is this original nature of who we have always been. So when we can strip away those stories, those narratives that have felt limiting and restrictive when we can strip away those belief systems that have felt limiting restrictive, when we start to strip away the way that we identify with ourselves and who we are in the way our family thinks we are, and like the world thinks we are when we can get down to the very, very core essence. It's actually who we have always been. And it's, it's an energy, it's a frequency. So it's, again, to the people out there like we're playing in mystical magical world of like nothing happened at one plus one doesn't equal two in the energetics. But it's the highest frequency that hasn't been laid down with all the baggage and all the stuff and all the things that we can't quite like get space and room from, it's completely allowed for that to be pulled apart in a way. And the beautiful thing is, is as we move the density, as we shift the stories as we shift the narratives and the beliefs and all the things, what's happening is we are actually expanding, if we could, like, envision our energetic field, right, we've got a physical anatomy, we've got an energetic anatomy, got muscles, tissues, and bones, we've got this whole Geum geometry of energy that lays down into our field. And as we begin to let go of the density that is restricting us from being that highest expression, or our highest essence, as we let that go, we expand that luminous field. And it begins to widen. And what happens is it actually allows for more of that original nature to shine through in life. And so cacao mama cacao comes in and she says, okay, sweetie, where have you been limited? Where have you been restrictive? Where do you feel like you that part of you isn't shining out in the world? And maybe you're consciously aware of it, and maybe you're unconsciously aware of it. But she's gonna come in and say, let's start to move what's ready to shift? What density is ready to release? And as she works with you in that way, maybe that's having a revelation, maybe that's all of a sudden, looking back at your, your story of your life, and you're like, wow, I was a victim in that place. No longer am I a victim to that. And you get this sense of clarity and maybe you get a reclamation of power from that. Maybe all of a sudden, she starts connecting to her physical body where you have more awareness where you're like, man, I've been kind of ignoring that one thing that maybe I should go get checked out. I'm gonna go do that. Because that's a lot of energy of me putting towards worry and doubt over something that I actually don't know what's going on. So let me go figure out what's going on. So I can actually have more energy putting towards my healing instead of ignoring. Maybe it's where all of a sudden she starts to show you hey, you know that friendship? Does it feel like it's a two way street? Does it feel like there's reciprocity in it? Does it feel like you're over giving you might be over giving? Do you want to reevaluate your boundaries? What are your boundaries? What does boundary mean to you? Does there got to be a healthy boundary so so cacao can come in and she can begin to help us shine light into those places that actually are out of alignment. So that essence that original nature that highest self can say, oh, yeah, we got more space man. Yeah, does shine out and express. So that's kind of my two cents around it.

Katie Graham 1:14:44

So beautiful. Thank you. Thank you so much. So tell us Maresa before we end the episode, what is your own daily wellness routine and And I know you've shared a little bit about when you've been in connection with cacao. Maybe that's why it's happening now. But maybe it's something different. And what the feats and then in the soil, love that. But yeah, share with us what your own daily wellness is,

Marissa Zelenak 1:15:21

it ebbs and flows, guys. So if anyone out there is like thinking you need and don't get me wrong, there's something really beautiful to picking a practice and being dedicated or devoted to that practice. But again, I'm all about staying loose and flexible. So if all of a sudden that doesn't feel like the thing, then go explore something else. So right now currently, I, I would say my whole life I've been a journaler. So if there's one thing that actually has been unwavering, it's I love to journal, it's a great way for me to just dump my thoughts in the morning. I like to do it in the morning, I have a little ritual, I've been doing the whole mud water game recently, I've been exploring mud water. And I wake up in the morning, I make my mud water, I sit down. And I have my journal out and I journal. Now the other thing that I would say I've been incorporating because it's been so beautiful outside finally busted out a winner. I have been in an interesting place of connecting to my feet. And so I like right now going out into nature going on a hike going on a walk. And I'll take a moment in time to find a little pocket or a little space that I just want to sit and be present in and I take my shoes off. And I do put my feet on the ground that is like a genuine practice that I'm doing. It's getting to the point where I'm like, I feel like I need to be naked. Like I need to like, take my clothes off. So I don't know maybe that's coming in the future. Who knows?

Katie Graham 1:17:01

You can really embrace them. Yeah, it's like,

Marissa Zelenak 1:17:05

coming full circle. But, but there's something right now for me, in my practice of connecting to my body, I'm kind of like you, where you're like, Okay, I'm laying on the ground Katie's like I'm laying on the ground, I'm playing music, and I'm letting myself do my own kind of free flow, dancing, no judgement, letting my body move, there's something for me that's asking me to be more connected to the physical body. So dance, putting on some music in my living room and just going for it has been actually very liberating. For me. Those are my practices. Currently, I do a guided meditation once a week that keeps me accountable for meditation, I wouldn't say meditation is always my go to practice, I ebb and flow. I'm grateful that it's something that I show up once a week to do for my community, it allows me to drop in, I'm all about the journeys. I'm not much of a sit and stillness kind of gal, I like to have a place I'm going to with intention. And so I do breathwork and guided journeys, at least once a week. And like I said, I mean, it ebbs and flows. So if that daily practice is you just sitting on your couch with a cup of tea. Perfect, go smell your tea, go taste your tea, if it feels like it's something that you want to have, like a devoted practice to, that's like a breath work meditation or yoga every day or whatever. Go for it. But as always stay loose, be flexible, be fluid, every day is going to be different, some weeks are looking the same. And I just let myself kind of have that freedom in that.

Katie Graham 1:18:59

Perfect, beautiful. Thank you for sharing. And then lastly, but definitely not least, tell us Maresa What do you offer and where can we find you?

Marissa Zelenak 1:19:09

Yeah, beautiful. So I am a practitioner, shamanic energy healing. I have a private client practice. I work one on one with individuals. I have a background in massage therapy. So I will do shamanic energy healing sessions, I will do massage, and I do a blend of the two so you can come and see me. I would say for those of you that have a deep calling of wanting to begin to explore where do you Where else can you release the places where you have felt limited and restrictive. So you can let more of that highest self shine through hoot and holler I'm that person that can kind of help be your eyes to begin to see and explore and move energy in that way through the physical body, emotional, mental, emotional and soul and spirit. So my private practice is based in Camus So we have a wellness center called shamanic twist, Wellness Center, and we have a studio as well as an institute. So shamanic twist is where my private practice is. I teach guided meditation on Mondays at shamanic twist, that is breathwork and a guided journey. I also teach a year long Medicine Wheel journey. So it's a deeper dive if you're looking to expand your awareness, create more tools, maybe if you hear and it resonates this kind of concept of irony of coming into right relationship of recognizing that we can actually work with Mother Earth and spirit and our soul. This is a beautiful, deep, deep dive to begin to explore that healing journey within yourself and to let more of that essence shine through. And I do ceremonies. So I will do cacao actually have a cacao ceremony at the end of July July 30. But not at shamanic twist. This is something I'm going to begin to branch out on my own as well. So stay tuned for meditations, cacao ceremonies. I do fire ceremonies. I can also do union ceremonies, as well as other kinds of plant ceremony. So kind of got my toes dipped in a little bit of everywhere, like to teach different workshops and classes. So most of that you can find through shamanic twist.com, I do have a website that is coming. Hopefully, by the end of July, August, that will have more of my own personal on there different content and what not

Katie Graham 1:21:47

awesome, yeah. So do you have an Instagram, we could follow you? And then once your website launches, we'll have that info. Okay, cool. Science, Instagram. So I'll put all of that in the show notes. And we're so lucky to have you as a resource Marissa, and I really invite any listener that this is resonating, like oh my gosh, like what a gift to you to connect with Marissa and like, start really choosing yourself your highest self like step into her. She's there, girl good in there. All right. Thank you so much for all your beautiful wisdom. You're amazing. Thank you, Katie. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you so much listeners for being here being with us taking care of yourself, your mind body spirit. I will see you all next episode. If you have made it to the end of this episode, and you want more, more wellness tools, practices and insights from this episode and others, make sure to sign up for our email list. This is where we connect and support our body breaking free community. So if you're ready for the next step, the link to sign up will be in the show notes at Katie Kay graham.com forward slash newsletter.


104. Podcast Update + Inviting You into Your Alignment


102. Her Story With Infertility / Bailey Evans