10. How “Wellness with Purpose” will Change Your Motivation


Hey everyone, and welcome to a body breaking free podcast. So today is Episode 10! This episode is extra special because we're going into the number one tool to transform your motivation to help you get motivated with your wellness. Motivation is really hard! And I know a lot of you are struggling with it. So we are going to tackle just that today!

I know it sucks not feeling good, feeling body gross, going through those ups and downs, then you're like on track perfect, everything's great, you're doing everything perfectly. And then again, you crash and burn. And it just kind of feels like this up and down. Or maybe you just feel stuck in your body, something doesn't feel right, your body doesn't feel authentic to you. You want to get somewhere you want to change something, right? That's the transformation you want to get out of the place that you are now. You want to transform your wellness!

The hard part is how do you do that?

First, this podcast is a perfect opportunity for us to start to shift our mindset. Just showing up just listening to the guests as they come on. And the different ways that we can approach our wellness, it's just a great way that we can show up and start to really transform our mindset.

The best part about listening to guests and their wellness journey and what worked for them, what didn't work for them, how they related to their body, food, exercise, diet mindset, whatever it is = this can open up our mindset to a new perspective. And what that does, is it really opens up more space for choice. So you choose, you get to choose what direction that works for you and your body and your wellness. And that choice is the golden star. That is what we're looking for, for you to create authenticity and move down a direction of change that's really going to serve you and your body and your unique self.

So when our mindset changes, we begin to change our thoughts, beliefs and then actions. And that's real motivation! The “bad” motivation is when it feels really hard. We don’t want it be so hard, Right? We don’t want to have to push ourselves, to get out of bed to make it to 6am yoga, and keep feeling like we're moving through this brick wall. So that motivation, we don't like that motivation. And it doesn't have to be hard. We have this misconception that things need to be complicated. And our wellness needs to be this really tricky thing that we're always pushing an ad and if we want to change our body, we're just gonna have to work really, really hard and put our heads down and push all those barriers. But the truth is, we don't we're not here for that.

It can feel easy! You can move froward feeling alignment - peace in your body, my mind my spirit as you create change. WE ARE SO IN FOR THAT! Life is way too short to not enjoy the journey.

And what is that REAL motivation really look like? Okay, I get it - you need tactical, specific, actionable steps - a specific tool to use, so that you can use as your foundation as you're moving forward.

Let’s create a motivation tool that will be your foundation. This is going to be your groundwork. This whole concept that will support your wellness journey.


Our tool for REAL EASY CENTERED PEACE ALIGNMENT motivation is going to be purpose!

And you might be asking Katie, how is purpose even related to all of this to motivation, personal transformation, wellness, looking at things through a new lens, new perspective, and how is purpose really our tool for motivation. So first, I want to make the point that changing our mindset, listening to the podcast, listening to other podcasts, looking at different wellness perspectives, this is really opening up the space for a new and broader lens on wellness, it's that perspective shift. And I want to make it super, super clear, this is important for wellness as well, we begin to change our mindset. And this happens over time, changing our thoughts, changing our behaviors, and then changing our actions. So Secondly, I want to state that we use purpose as this positive motivation tool where we can make progress with our goals, but still come from a place of that ease of the centered enjoyment in the journey. So this idea of purpose, this is going to be our foundation for our wellness, this is our main intention. And it's going to uplift us from that purpose, that foundation, grounding. And I'll get into the nitty gritty here. But let's first take a look at the intention of having a purpose with our wellness and body and what does that really look like? So say you have a health goal, say it's just you want to lose 20 pounds. So say you have a health goal and it's you want to lose 20 pounds, you want to be 20 pounds lighter. And if that's what's aligning with you, and where are you are now. That's great, right? That's great. So how are we approaching this goal specifically right now? Do you have a calendar? Do you have a food journal? are you tracking your habits? Are you trying to wake up earlier every day to go work out? So look at what you're doing right now and then take a step back. And first look at what you're doing now and specifically what really feel Feels hard about it right? And don't overcomplicate this, you know, just what is something that you are not enjoying. And I know that that belief of it can't be easy. And we have all these limiting beliefs that they're screaming at us. But try and block those out and really just look at like, what feels hard, what's not enjoyable? What is it working for you that something that you want to change, like getting up early is the most painful thing. And it makes you just feel so miserable every day. And it's so hard, like, that's one example. Right? So just looking at really what's not working. And then the reality of it is this is probably just making you feel more stuck, right? It might be in your head like this should be giving you more motivation, it should be working you towards your progress. But it's honestly probably just prohibiting change, really making you feel more stuck in your body blocking that enjoyment and authenticity. And what's really aligning with your body where you are right now. Secondly, look at it from a lens of what's really going. Secondly, look at it from a lens of what's really going on going to align with. Secondly, look at it from a lens of what's really going on with your alignment and purpose in your life. So is it aligning with what's going to light you up in life?

What really makes you feel alive? What do you enjoy? What do you want to do? And so is this goal, looking at it, reevaluating it and seeing really like why do you want to lose those 20 pounds? And how are you wanting to show up in your body? What does that really feel like? What's really important to you, in life in general, what really makes you come alive and what feels like purpose behind a specific goal. So for example, when I look at my health goal, I wanted to be 130 pounds, that was my ideal weight. And so I tackled this with a lot of different ways, right? And then once I stepped back and really looked at what is my wellness plan, what's really going to make me feel authentic, and that clarity on why I wanted to be 130 pounds and how I wanted to feel I wanted to feel energy, I wanted to have more energy, I wanted to feel confident in my body. And then it really opened up some space. For me, it was really cool to really look at it through a new lens and be like, Well, why do I want to be that strong? Like, what is this serving me in my life? And why do I want to be this way? And what? How is that gonna help me be more active? And like really uncover it and dig in a little bit deeper. And I know that a lot of people say this, like uncovering the why behind your goals. But looking at it from a place of purpose, like this is your life and your life is short, right? You have we all have a short life? And what is it that you want to show up in your body? And why is that so important to you? And what is your purpose behind showing up in that way? So what is your purpose in wanting to be 130 pounds. And for me, once I backed up and realized, okay, 130 pounds, and I wanted to be more active, I wanted to have more energy, I wanted to feel a certain way. But then at the same time, I didn't really want to fit some sort of ideal model, looking a certain way I wanted to show confidence and show up in my body authentically myself. So that I could be a symbol for other women that it is possible, it is possible to be positive and your body show up confident and whatever weight you're at. So maybe you have a little more curves. Maybe you're a little bit heavier than the models on the you know, social media on the screen. And how can I be a symbol to younger generation when I'm teaching my Pilates and yoga classes, where I don't have to show up super skinny, to be really happy and empowered and positive. So that was really my purpose. And this opened up a lot of space for me and my journey to allow me to have more patients when I'm approaching my goals, to have more intentions to understand what it's really important to me and my life. And so I know that's a What to put on and that's just a little introduction to the purpose part. And it's totally okay if this isn't resonating with you, if nothing is coming up for you right now, it's just an idea. Just let it simmer. Let it kind of dwell those questions, those deeper uncovering, because I can promise you uncovering those questions like, it's not gonna hurt anything, right, we may be fearful of it, we might not want to look at those things, but it's really going to create some clarity, it's going to bring in more authenticity, it's gonna release some of that stuff that's really hard, doesn't feel good. And so think about maybe this perspective can change the whole game for you, it totally changed the game for me. So I'm really excited, I hope that this can bring some hope, excitement, clarity, alignment, into your wellness, just like a new program, a new diet, like that same excitement and hope. But now we can shift to be a much more positive hope and excitement, a much more positive way that we can approach our goals. So getting back into the nitty gritty of the purpose, part of the motivation.


So there's three pillars that I'll leave off with, with our wellness with purpose. So you can kind of imagine a pyramid, and maybe we just call it our wellness with purpose pyramid.

And so there's gonna be three levels to this pyramid. (See visual picture above) And so you can have that actual visual, but in your while you're listening in your mind, think of this pyramid. And so the first level is our thoughts. The second level is balance. And the third level, the top level is choice. So imagine these three pillars, I'll go through each one now. Number one thoughts. So this is the base of the pyramid, this is our foundation. And thoughts are day to day, right, we have a ton of thoughts that come into our head throughout the day. And it's coming up from conditioning from our past, from the environment we grew up in from the environment we are now and then also conditioning from the sensory input we get throughout the day. So thoughts are coming up from what we're receiving input output, right? But it's still a present moment thing, all of the thoughts are just here in the here and now. So if certain thought might have a lot of backing power from a past belief, we may therefore really easily get caught up in the drama hold a strong belief with this certain thought hold on to it really tightly. We also might get depression or anxiety from thoughts by the depression by looking at the past or the anxiety from looking to the future. But thoughts re are still a present moment thing that we do have control over. And this is why Eckhart Tolle les love him. I'll put his books references in the show notes as well. But he has so many powerful messages. And this is why he is so amazing. As a teacher, as a mentor of being really present, noticing your thought that skill of being mindful noticing your thoughts. And then you can have peace, you can have peace in your life and every moment. And that's really changing our perspective, changing our thoughts, changing our beliefs, what a huge impact. Easier said than done. It's a skill, right noticing our thoughts, bringing awareness, choosing whether or not we want to get wrapped up in them if we want to believe in them if we want to hold on to them. But we can chew. But we can look at these spots as our baseline because it's a day to day thing has such a huge impact over time it builds up. And so that's why the information that you are allowing into your day into your body has such a huge impact. It's that repeat messages over and over and over again. So you really do have a choice at what you look at what you're taking in what you're putting back out. So all of this is under your empowerment and your choice. So looking. So just for an example, if we're looking at our thoughts, we have a mental and physical, sensory reception when we receive inputs from the day or when we receive thoughts into our head if we're thinking certain things, and we're allowing it to be there, just like anxiety.

And so looking at this just from a wellness perspective, we talked about this in gel. We talked about this in Jen Solomon's podcast, and she talked about being able to see all of the thoughts that good bad thoughts, and that opens the door to understanding understanding opens the door to self forgiveness, forgiveness opens the door to compassion, and compassion opens the door to acceptance. So that's a quote from Jen. And that's really powerful, right, we want to come to a place of acceptance, acceptance in our body acceptance in our wellness, so that we can move forward with change from a really positive place. If we are holding on to a lot of mental and physical stuff of the sensory input, we need to find a way to release this. And Jen talks about releasing all of this stuff we're holding on to that we don't need to hold on to, as an example, and yoga. And that's why she created her yoga space in Park City Is she really wanted people to have that place where they could just eliminate their thoughts where they could come and release that. So that's an example of how wellness brings in how the tools, how something tactical can bring into our thoughts. And that's a really important part of this wellness with purpose. So number two, balance. So balance is the second level of the pyramid. And first, let's look at the word balance. Because I know that word for a long time I hated it, it had a different connotation to for me until I began to look at it different. So let's look at this for a moment. Balance before you might have thought was, well, everything needs to be equal, I need to have balance in my life, I need to limit myself in this one thing. So I can have a little bit more in this thing. But balance, we can look at it a lot differently, because balance looks different for every single person. Balance is a word of authenticity. So balance doesn't have to mean keeping everything in check, making sure you don't have ex balance doesn't have to mean keeping everything check or making sure you don't have excess of one thing. Balance may mean for you having an excess of something is going to be really valuable. And for a different person, the complete opposite. And then also balance ebbs and flows in life, it doesn't stay this the same, it changes, it's not constant. So allowing it to change as you grow and move different times in your life, watching it unfold, depending where you are at that time in your life. So balance is really open. It's really exciting. And it's really valuable. It is finding your foundation of balance so that you can approach your wellness and life from a place of that centered of the calm of the ease. So that you can be successful, successful from a place of authentic balance that works for you. So balance I really want you to think of as a intention and my balance and what does that mean? And how can I incorporate that when I'm looking at my goals and maybe reevaluate what I'm doing. So again, bringing in a little tactical of the wellness part. So when we look at the nervous system and how the body the mind interacts, and when we are out of a state of balance in our body, you can see how everything else is out of whack. And I know we've talked about this in multiple previous episodes, but carrying stress in our body, affecting the gut affecting processing your food, it's all connected to your hormones, your Vegas nerve, all of that. So that can really see like when we're out of whack, like everything's out of whack, right? And so what are the ways that we can bring the body back into balance and really regulate the nervous system regulate everything so that you can feel centered and then move forward in a way that feels safe and peace and alignment.

Number three choice. So this is our third top level of the pyramid. And this is really, really empowering, having the option of choice. So opening the space to choose what is it that you want, and saying, you know, I am allowed to make a choice. That's empowerment, right? That is what you really want. And the end goal is being able to detach yourself from the shoulds, I should be doing this, I should look like that the expectations, the responsibilities, the judgments, all of those once we can detach from that, Oh, my gosh, think about your breaking free, like the name of the podcast, body breaking free. That's what's really important. So that you have the options to choose and looking at these different perspectives, looking at wellness through a new lens, letting go of what's not serving you trying out new tools, like all of these things are going to allow for that option of choice. I want you to feel empowerment in your wellness and your body. And that's what's really important. So that is it, you guys, that is the three pillars of our wellness with purpose. And I want you to look at each of these as your purpose. So your thoughts, that's a day to day thing, right? That's something that we can start to look at differently, start to maybe think about how can we be more present, choosing what information you're allowing into your day to day understanding that it does create a huge impact those small steps, just one thought at a time, right? Those can make a huge difference? And then what is balanced for you? And how can you bring that intention into your life? And how is that really going to serve you to move forward with alignment with feeling good?

And then you know, how does that create more purpose in your life, if you can feel more centered in your body that is authentic to you, then your light your purpose, you're moving forward with intention? And then lastly, choice having the choice to choose what works for you, what doesn't work for you? How are you approaching things? What are you looking at, as a new way a new perspective, new tools. And that's empowerment, that's empowerment, and that is so important to purpose. Or you want to feel confident, you want to feel good in your wellness in your body. And that purpose of empowerment will just move you forward will really set that intention through your life moving forward. So you can see I'm super passionate about all of these. And motivation, like motivation doesn't have to be so hard and I want it to be easy. I want you to get to a place where you feel that ease that center that piece. And so we'll get there piece by piece. Right and thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I know how valuable Your time is. please reach out to me connect with me on Instagram. I'm always here to chat. I would love to hear from you. I'd love to hear about your health goals and chat through it with you. There's nothing I would love more. So I will put all the information below in the show notes. You can click on the link to get more details that diagram of the pyramid and one law sending love to you and your body. I am Katie Kay, I will see you all next week.


11. Finding Empowerment with Purpose, Weight Loss & Nature


9. Create Authenticity in Your Wellness