18. The Podcast Journey: Body Honesty & Community

This episode we celebrate the journey of this podcast (honesty and reflection) and the journey of your new path. Thank you for having the courage to show up for yourself. Supporting yourself and the new path you are taking to create positive change in your body. We are all here to support your journey. The guests that come on and your host Katie Kay, are here to support YOU with guidance, wisdom, tools and connection. This community is amazing! This has already been an uplifting and exciting path for the podcast and we can't wait to see what is next. Body Breaking Free has hit 1,000 downloads!
FEEDBACK FORM: I want to hear from you. Yes, YOU! You matter. You are here. Let's create this podcast for YOU! This feedback form will take 3-5 minutes. Thank you for your time. Your feedback is invaluable!
Katie Kay, Please send to my email: Email Me Feedback Form Link
Girl, I've got time right now! Feedback Form Link
MEDITATION FREEBIE **If you want to receive the free meditation for "Days I Don't Feel My Best", make sure to enter your email in the feedback form:)

My Amazing Business Coach: SHANNA TYLER: https://www.instagram.com/shannatyler_
Gabby Bernstein
Tara Brach
Eckhart Tolle
Pema Chodron
IFS Therapy
Intuitive Eating

Hey everyone, welcome back to body breaking free podcast, please rate and review the podcast, wherever you're listening, Apple Spotify, it's going to help show that we're connecting that there's a community here, it will only uplift the podcast. So please make sure to do that. And then also on that note, we have hit 1000 downloads, so amazing just in a few months. And I just really want to congratulate all of you for listening and listening to the guests as they come on and share their insights and stories. And I really feel so grateful to be here and such a great responsibility that I can show up in this way and we can uplift each other. And I just so fun that we are on this journey together and breaking free breaking down those walls, breaking free of the expectations of the judgments of all the heaviness, all the things that are weighing us down. And we can just feel better in our bodies and in our life. And so this is what this episode is about today. It's a little bit of a time to reflect. And also I talked about the evolution of the podcast and just bring up some honesty of where it's going and where I'm at now and what I'm learning. And so it's a fun point that we can reflect. And I invite you to fill out the feedback form in the show notes. And I'll get into that so I won't double double talk about it. Sit back, take a listen and enjoy the episode.

I am your host, Katie Kay. And man, this has been an insane ride 1000 downloads, we have hit 1000 downloads for body breaking free podcast. And that's a huge milestone, it's kind of like the next step and, and so I've been reflecting a lot on what that looks like. And part of it is getting your guys's feedback and understanding what has been resonating with you and what you've been enjoying, and what's been helping. And then also what's not, so that we can move forward in the best way. And that's really important. And then secondly, me trying to understand where I want the podcast to go and what I want it to look like. And to be honest, I feel like I have been having this like struggle of learning how to be an entrepreneur and do the podcast is so new to me. And I have a wonderful business coach Shana, she's amazing. I will link her contact in the show notes. But yeah, it's like battling the brand strategy. And what do I want it to look like? And what are my core messages. And it's kind of like that typical online business, like all the understanding all the steps and the outline and like really fun, but also, it's been hard for me to get that clarity. And I think it's been meant to be that way. Because as I just keep going like as I just keep putting one step in front of the next. I'm learning more and more. And, like that's how I've been gaining the clarity and understanding where this podcast is going. which for me is really hard because I want to know, everything. It's that perfectionism in me that I want it to be super clear, and I want to have a ton of confidence and I want it to move forward in the best way for the listeners and myself. And

it's been a journey and it's actually been letting me grow alongside it and understand that I kind of have to just surrender to the process, which is something my deep control mentality is not used to. But like I always say like our struggles can be our greatest teachers in the process. And so I want to leave that space open for all of us to allow the podcast to go wherever it needs to go. And that's part of that feedback, I would love for you guys, I'll put a link in the show notes, there'd be there's nothing greater in this process than hearing back from you guys, even if it's just a message on Instagram, or if you stop me, you know, if you're in Park City, you stabbed me in the studio, it makes such a world of difference for me to just feel like this is helping somebody and somebody out there is being impacted. And yes, I can look at the numbers and say, Wow, like 1000 downloads, like, something's here, something's working. But it's when I when I'm in contact with you guys that I really feel that energy. So yeah, in the in the feedback, it's gonna be so valuable to just know how this can best serve all of us in our bodies, and in the way that we want to feel that expansion and opening the space and bringing in that positive energy bringing in that positive change. And that's really what it's all about, like, that's kind of our North Star is. There's just like, there's a different way we need to go about approaching our bodies, and it's, you know, that the standards being pushed into a box of what's right and what's wrong. And the expectations to do it all a certain way. It's not, it's not well, it's not what I want. And I, I feel like my desire for it to change. And on the path that I've been been on for. No, I was reflecting on this, it's probably been about six years since the moment I was like, Okay, it's time, like, it's time to shift out of this because I'm not happy. And it's not like I have anything to be really sad about there's nothing like major, you know, tragedy in my life. And I and I'm just living by, like, the rules that I have, which like I thought I should be living and what would make me happy. I know that there's other people out there and like living in that same way that is not feeling good. It's not feeling aligned. And it's like when you're in that place, it feels so stuck and lost. And like how do I change and it's, you can be in that repeat cycle, that kind of hamster wheel, waking up, going to work out going to work, coming home watching TV, whatever it is for you. That was just for me, it's like, eventually I just started like dreading email, like doing it all over and over. And the only thing that really felt good was to exercise but then some mornings going to the gym wasn't like the best thing ever. And I just like I would get caught up in the anxiety of the week and the schedule and, and anything outside of my little box of anxiety. And like going out to dinner with friends and doing something outside of the norm. It was like another thing to add to the list. And that's not enjoying life, right? Like, that's a big red flag of like, something is wrong here. It's not about the schedule. It's not about the older, whatever, like I'm living my best life ever. Right now I'm doing the podcast and you know, stepping out in the world of what I want my purpose to be and teaching yoga and But still, like I still have that old mindset creep in. And luckily I have the tools in my toolbox to be able to be aware of it and see it as my old mindset. But it's not about what you're doing or your schedule or how perfect your life is, how privileged you are. It has nothing to do with that. It's the deeper roots of our mindset and our mentality and the standards that we've been living by. And it's no wonder like, there's so many of us that feel in that position of just not feeling good in our bodies. Not feeling good and purposeful in our life. And

yeah, so like a big kind of ran off to the side but that's like what the foundation of body breaking for It's like breaking down those walls, you know, breaking through those expectations and no standards and the concept of what's right and what's wrong and living by those rules. So really breaking free, and it shows up in our body. And what I've learned, it's like it's in and through our body. And so when we're feeling that anxiety, when we're not feeling comfortable in our own skin, that's a sign telling us that our body is showing us that there's that pain there that needs some healing that needs some attention. And like, what a beautiful sign to give us. Because we can really feel that pain in the body, we can feel those physical sensations. And that allows us to stop and pause and think about like, there must be something that's not working here that needs to change. And I think it's in that moment that I really want to show up for you. Because in that moment when I've been in that moment in the past, it's Yeah, it's like okay, I can notice this I can be clear on what's not working. But it's also like, okay, now what now what, you know, how do I change and for me, it took me a really long journey and just like I had to just keep showing up and luckily, guided in the right ways and found the right people to help me and like therapy, nutrition, going through, you know, that diet and then like transitioning more into like, mindfulness mbsr the new teachers Gabby Bernstein, Eckhart Tolle, les Tara Brock, Pema children, intuitive eating and therapy, I Fs and like, it's like taking me on this beautiful path and journey that is my own. And so I you know, I don't want to say that is like the path for everybody. Because the beautiful part is, we all have our own journey, we all have our own path that if we can be aware enough to see all the little miracles that will happen along the way. Like, that's a beautiful journey, and I want to go on that with you. And I want to be that person, when you're in that place, ready for change, and give you that guidance. And the guests as well as they come on and share their insights, their stories, their tools, we're all here to support your journey. And that's, like, such an amazing responsibility. You know, I feel so full of gratitude and really feeling like the, not the weight of the podcast, because I don't want it to sound like a negative thing. But it's almost like the uplift of like, what this really can do and the amount of impact it can have on all of us, myself included, like I always say, I'm on this journey with you guys. And we're all going to move through this change together, but it's in a positive way, it's going to be in an authentic way. And that's the beautiful thing. This episode is awesome. But before we keep going, let's take a moment to thank our sponsors. This episode is brought to you by Bodhi breaking free morning meditation. For days you don't feel your best, wake up feeling body gross, you might be exhausted from the weekend, you may miss your morning workout that day. And it's on those days, this meditation is for you. To help you get through the day, step by step, have some positive energy and send yourself and your body compassion. This is a freebie for everyone that fills out the feedback form. So make sure you fill out that form and get this meditation for free as our Thank you

so let's get back to the episode. You know this podcast is going to change and evolve as I hear back from you guys and the feedback and we improve it together but there's a reason that I don't want to give you a step by step formula because you deserve the space to create change in an authentic way and whatever feels good. And yes, I can give you a hint you can still do that. It can still give you the tools but I think Like the biggest thing, the biggest gift I can give you is space to understand that it doesn't need to be this way, the way that you feel stuck. And if I could go back and talk to my younger self, and just sit down with her, and she could tell me, gosh, like, I feel like I have to take care of everybody else. And my schedule is feels really heavy and overwhelming. And I'm just trying to do the best I can. And you know, I want to feel good. So I've been exercising a lot, and, but I'm also like, food is scary and restrictive. And I don't feel good in my body. And I'm really struggling. And that she was telling me that I would look at the schedule, and I'd look at everything she's doing. And I'd be really, I am I'm really sad that you but that's how it has to be like I want, I would, first of all, my first thing is like, I'd be like, fuck this schedule kV. Like, this isn't what life is about. But you can't just do that, right? You can't do that. Because life is life. And we have, there's real things, it's reality, there's bills to be paid, there's people to take care of there's work to get done. But we're missing the beauty and the space of the mystic of like this present moment. And how much there is to be grateful for, and how there's so much beauty in our bodies that exist. And there's so much beauty and the world around us. And what's really important, right, like what's truly important. And for me, it's like, there's a lot of pain, there's a lot of pain that lives in my body, emotionally and physically. And like yes, like that's there, that's something I'm working through. And like my control mentality and getting really high anxiety when like, my schedule changes, or, you know, like, these are real struggles that I'm not like discounting. But I wish there was more space for, for life for like, the insane thought of week at this one life. This one, like one life. And yes, it can be, it can feel long, it can seem short, whatever we kind of view life and death as it's still insane that we can have the ability to be here. And there's such a large unknown. And I think that's why, like I've been afraid of like exploring just the thought of like, what's outside of like my schedule and my physical body. And it's, it's about how much is unknown, and how much we focus on the physical moment and the expectations and what we need to do and get done. But then there's like this whole other part, you can feel it when you're really present. And you put your hand on your heart and you feel your heartbeat and you feel this skin again skin and there's like it's insane that we can take this one deep breath of air, and how precious that is like if we were not able to have that breath. Like how everything would change in an instant.

Yeah, and so like, Yes, I've been a little like esoteric, and when I've come on and done a solo shows and but there's something that's there that's missing. And that's the space that we're opening up to is like, what is possible for you and what's really important to you and what lights you up. And what does your body need and what is your body telling you? Please pause to listen. What are we hearing and What what's the fear, and what's the deeper truths behind our struggles, and it's like all of these crazy, amazing questions and we get to understand ourselves better. That's like such a beautiful thing. And so this is probably a good time to I'm going to read off, I wrote just a few things that in my journey right now and like, what I'm really learning so even go be helpful if I read it off where I am now I'm learning to notice the distractions, I'm learning to be aware of my thoughts, learning to receive love, receiving love in a way that I know I can, but I feel like I have all of these barriers of protection and control and scheduling. And so my heart feels really protected and not being able to receive in the way that I know I can. And it's really covered up by some of that anxiety and covered up and this fear of falling back into depression. And like some of those fears, like I know don't need to be here any longer. So it's that energy that I'm using towards that anxiety and, and I know I can use that energy in the way that I can receive and give love, but I'm still learning I'm still learning how to do that. So learning to receive love, learning to feel good without having to exercise learning to understand myself more learning to get out of my own head and wake up for others that are less privileged. So like getting out of my own way and not getting so wrapped up in what is like for me what's working for me what's not and understanding like there's a bigger purpose here and I can expand out of that and I wrote that specifically bound because Denise Drew's she's amazing, she's one of my mentors and she lead mate, the yoga teacher training yoga assets and she teaches yoga and prisons for the prison inmates and so I think about that and I think about that kind of purpose and like the ability for me to be free and like not be in a place that I am confined is like such a privilege in itself and so I think about Denise and how she must feel like waking up and then days like maybe she doesn't feel that great or days that she's wrapped up in anxiety or something that's not working and being able to go to the prison and teach the inmates yoga like what kind of change of perspective that must give her and like such a beautiful way next one learning to live and a higher vibration and what does that look like? What does that balance look like? Still trying to understand like building my own spiritual practice and and is it always kind of like improving on this like spiritual awareness? Or is it kind of this like up and downs where some days you don't really feel it? Some days you do feel it? Like that's something I'm still learning? I'm learning to accept my relationships and living with them in a positive place. How do I interact without feeling controlled without my self controlling it? And how to take care of this person and take care of myself? So I feel like relationships are like, my greatest struggle, but also my greatest teacher. And so like learning still, and I don't think I'll ever stop learning and like, what what ways can I best interact with this person that I love and

and at the same time, like take care of myself and what are those boundaries, learning to deal with, or have an old mindset, old depression, old thoughts with acceptance and trusting in the process. The process of learning to trust my body, give it time to talk with me and Yeah, and I like trusting our bodies. And what does that look like? And, man, I went so long without even knowing what that was. And like trusting and letting go of that control and just being an observer, rather than needing to change anything, and like listening to it and asking it, what it needs, and why does it hurt? And why does it feel like that really interesting to be in that mindset. It's almost like that surrender. So I wanted to share all of those with you guys just first for you to understand, in a way, we're all definitely on this journey, learning, and maybe like the same exact things, right? Like, we're all sharing the human experience. And I think like and sharing my own journey and process, it just opens up this space to allow us to reflect and I hope that you're able to reflect and maybe even relate and maybe feel a little less alone in your struggles. And it's so fun and exciting to bring up new perspectives, and I just love hearing other people's stories. My favorite, favorite, favorite favorite part of a podcast is interviewing the guests because I just get to soak in that information. And I love being in person with them and feeling that energy. But yeah, and so I hope like that is also making you feel more connected and being able to reflect back on your life and kind of just like, be able to see it a little bit differently. And that's like that's a huge thing. That's a really really big thing. Because as we change our mindset, it changes everything it changes the way that we approach life and think about life and all of it all of it so yeah, thank you for letting me share and just can't wait to hear back from you guys. And like if the solo shows if that episode if this episode wasn't resonating, like that's okay, like I'm not gonna like I'm I need the constructive criticism because I really want this podcast to serve in the best way possible. And so if there's something that's just not feeling good and you're not loving it and like there's no time for that, right? Like we need to cut out the bullshit and get what's going to like serve you in the best way so that it's just gonna uplift you and and keep up lifting new so it's okay if something's not working if you're not loving it, like that's a good thing. That's a really good thing for me to hear. So and I say you guys, thank you so much for being here. Wow. Like that, that notification 1000 downloads like I really hit my heart. I'm really excited. This podcast is it's just I see like so much light coming from it and we can all just break free reign, body breaking free. So I just I love you all, and sending so much love to your body. Thank you for showing up for yourself. And I will see you all next week.


19. Jennifer Lowe-Anker


17. Finding Balance with Pilates / Lisa Marie Glodowski