Welcome To The

Body Breaking Free Podcast


“so raw & relatable to me. Every episode I always find something so beautiful to resonate with. Sometimes I feel like Katie is talking right to me, & I am a part of the conversation too!”

This podcast explores the modalities that will tap you into your higher self.

This is what wellness is all about — uncovering your higher self. Wellness isn’t about following rules or programs, it is about tapping into the expansive truth of who you are. What you really need is more living and feeling like yourself. You have been living, knowing deep down there is a better way. This podcast is here to show you there is. We get pulled away by reinforced social expectations, and we start living from unconscious patterns rather than our own truth. It’s time to wake up. Wake up to the wellness that gets to be expansive, full of possibilities, curiosity, dreams and passion.

About Body Breaking Free Podcast

We live in a world of distractions, pulling us away from our authentic self. We end up living by patterns, rather than our own truth. The fear is not your body. The fear is getting trapped and not living your life in your true essence.

Starting this podcast, I thought I was going on a journey to talk about wellness and how the hell do you get it right. By episode 70, I learned what it is really about = authenticity, truth and love. This is true freedom. Each episode our mission is to help you sink deeper into yourself, uncover the blocks within, so you can start showing up in your life unapologetically yourself - and the freedom that comes along with that.

You get to feel into the abundance, authenticity, and freedom while you go on your journey.

Get ready to break free and wake up to your truth! Through the podcast you will get the insights and tools so that you can start making the shifts that will actually give you your life back. To guide you to feeling and living fully yourself. Because the risk is too high not to.

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