9. Create Authenticity in Your Wellness
Create Authenticity in Your Wellness with Jenn Solomon
8. What to do with the "I Just Woke Up and Feel Body Gross" Feeling
8. How to Tackle the “I Feel Gross”
2. How Breathwork can Transform your Eating Habits
Madeleine Hackett has a beautiful & powerful story of transformation. A healthy, strong field hockey player in college, Mads still struggled with not liking her body and how she looked. This is when the cycle of binging, restricting, purging and over exercising started. The pain and struggle of controlling food and the mental energy was overwhelming. She went through eight months of rehab, talk therapy, CBT, DBT, ketamine therapy, trying everything to end the eating disorder & rewire her brain. Finally, in an unexpected way, she found Wim Hof breathwork that ultimately healed her and completely transformed her life.
7. Why You Need a Health Coach in Your Wellness Journey
Misty Philbrick insight on health coaching, goals, motivation, diet, weight loss, and self-love.
3. Power of Connection with Yourself & Your Body with Kelley Sandahl
Kelley Sandahl teaches us about the power of connection with community, with ourselves, and with our body. We dive into yoga, listening to the body, making movement enjoyable, the ability to say no, and allowing for more acceptance.
4. Ultimate Guide: Wim Hof Method / Jeremy Wilstein
Jeremy Wilstein, a certified instructor of the Wim Hof Method, teaches us everything we need to know about the method including breathwork, cold exposure, and mindset.
5. Food, Body & Sense of Self with Emily Podschweit
Emily shares her incredible story with being an athlete, struggling with an eating disorder and her recovery. We dive into the topics of ED, relationship to food & body, sense of self, the practice of Ayurveda and yoga.