37. Hard Days



We cannot avoid the hard days. There will always be ups & downs in life. So how do we deal with the days when we don't feel our best? Today's episode I share when I was having a hard day and the fears, pains, and insecurities that were coming up for me. The more we can look at some of those uncomfortable aspects (fear, pain, resistance, judgements), the more we can understand them, the more we can send compassion and the more we can align with our higher self . So ask yourself - how do you feel unsupported, not good enough, not doing enough, helpless...or other fears? Where do you feel the pain in your body? How are these fears limiting your life? How are you relating to these fears? What is your reaction to the down days? Change your relationship to the down days, to the fears, pain, feeling uncomfortable? Can we look at it with curiosity, compassion, acceptance, understanding and love?

**Every moment we are faced with a struggle, we have an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves.**

Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of body breaking free podcast. I am your host, Katie Kay. And today's episode is a little bit different than what I'm used to putting out on the podcast. And I was honestly a little unsure if I wanted to release it. Yeah, I recorded this when I was having a down day and a lot of my insecurities were coming up a lot of pain and my body and physically and mentally. And I recorded it. And then I was debating whether or not I wanted to release it. And I kind of had to go through some of my intentions with the podcast and why I'm really showing up. And even though I do want this space to really give you that energy, that positive energy, and honestly, that positive energy is really just related to your soul's deeper truth, and that kind of place of love. So when you hear something on the podcast that really resonates or maybe uplifts your energy, that is connecting to that deeper place within you that you needed that clarity, you needed that alignment, and it's coming from a place of love. And I wanted to keep that energy surrounding every episode I put out. But I also realize that I really want to show up in full truth. And that doesn't mean that everything is happy. And it certainly doesn't mean that I don't still have ups and downs. And I also really believe that the more that we are able to look at some of those uncomfortable aspects, some of that discomfort, pain, the fears, all the resistance, all of the kind of darker places within, though more and more, we're able to show up for those places, the more and more we can release, or even just give them compassion and understanding and acceptance. And then we're able to uplift our energy and uplift into that soul being into that higher self or resource self. And from that place, we're really able to take action in alignment from a place of love and groundedness in our authenticity in ourselves in our being. And that is not able to happen unless we are able to show up for those darker places within and really be able to look at some of those fears. If we are able to dig in a little bit deeper, then those fears and pain, they still might be running the show. We are we don't understand them. We don't know them, we can't see them. They can kind of hide in the depths. And then they can kind of run our lives in a way that we don't feel good enough. We don't feel like we're doing enough. We don't feel supported or loved. You don't have clarity. And then all of those things. That's an internal condition that is driving us in a direction where we really don't want that to be our purpose in our in our life. And we don't want the actions that we're taking. We want to change those because they're really not serving us. And if we're not willing to do the deeper work and look at some of those darker places, then we can't move forward. And so leading into this episode, I just think it's important to bring all parts of ourselves to the table. And



I hope that me showing up in this way you're able to relate to maybe some of the things that I talk about. And then maybe that'll give you a little bit of clarity and to your own pain that you're holding on to your own fears that are running the show I taught you know, I talked in the episode about feeling really unsupported and feeling the weight of pressure and that's a deep pain that lives within within me that I'm have been protecting on to I've been holding on to. And it wasn't until like I did a lot of work, I didn't even realize I didn't feel supported. And I had no idea was holding on to that much pressure and weight. And I could literally feel the weight in my body. You know that pressure, like it's just exhausting to hold on to it. And I can feel it lifted. Once I can look at that pain, I can recognize it, I can be curious about it, kind of understand it, and then I can feel lifted out of it, I can release it. And it's just like a process of it's a process that is unique to each and every one of us. And it's not complicated, but it's not easy, right? It's not complicated, and the way that we can look at our fears and pain, but it's certainly not easy to look at our fears and pain. And then the other thing I wanted with the episode is just to show kind of my helplessness in that moment. And when we're in those downs, the the darker, you know, just not feeling good, feeling crummy, not really understanding why maybe we feel that way. I didn't have any control in that moment. And I have a ton of tools in my toolbox. And that day, I didn't have the energy to look into that toolbox. And I just felt really helpless in that moment. And I needed to be reminded that I don't have to fix everything. And the downs in life is just part of the human experience. And the more that I can just bring acceptance into that moment and just be like this is, you know, this is exactly where I need to be in this moment. And there's no reason there's no blame, there's no judgment on myself for feeling this way. I can accept it and be in it. And then maybe the next time, it'll be easier for me to bring in that acceptance and then the next time and the next time and there is no perfect place. I'm never gonna stop having those bad moments and those down days. But I'm still learning what it means to bring acceptance into that moment and just rest in exactly where I am exactly where you are. And it's okay, so here is the episode and yeah, sit back and enjoy. Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of body breaking free podcast. So today you get a ever so special Katie Kay in and just feeling really crummy and just oh gosh. feeling like I was crushing it last week. And I was staying so motivated and exercising. And whenever I'm exercising a lot, My back feels really good. And even if I feel pain, it's less bothersome because I kind of just feel like I'm on top of the world and I'm crushing it and everything's gonna be okay. And then of course, it's like one day, like, flips me on my head. And no specific reason I just think I get burned out and a lot of things on my list pile up in my head and I just get so I don't know, I just kind of feel crummy. I feel it in my body. And then and then it's just like really low, mentally low. And then I don't know, my back's just hurting a lot.



And I mean, I was just telling Sterling like, I have no idea what I'm doing. And, uh, I mean, I feel that every day, but some days I just feel like, okay, just I can take the next right step, and I feel really good about it. But when I get into these low points, it's like, what am I doing? What am I doing? And I feel really just unsupported and like I need to always be my own cheerleader and I always need to show up for myself because you know, if you're not your own advocate, nobody else is gonna and be there showing up for you. And, and it's not like, I don't have supportive people in my life, but they're not just their 100% just being like, right beside me trying to be my cheerleader all the time. Not that I'm expecting that, but that's kind of what I need, like, I need to feel like, like the support, and if it's always coming just from myself, it feels like a heavy load. And so and I'm like, still learning how to do that too. Like, I still feel like I'm, I'm healing, I'm going to therapy. And it's just, it's really hard. And I feel like a lot of us maybe are in the same boat, and I hear podcasts, and I have all these amazing people I listen to and they always seem like they're crushing it, they always seem like they're just, they know the right thing to say and, and they're just spiritually, physically, mentally, they're all just kind of there. And they have the energy and the abundance and like, I'm always kind of striving to be in that place. And like, I do a lot of things that make me feel so spiritually aligned and myself and make me feel like I'm healing and, and I see the progression. But I always kind of wonder, like, do they have those rough days? And what does that even look like? And what does it feel like? Because in my body, it feels like I just have a bunch of gunk inside me. And I just feel so like squishy and unsupported. And the pain just like radiates that much harder. And I feel like defeated in that moment. Because it's like, Does it ever kind of end? Does it ever come back? Like I know, it always comes back like I get the upswing, but I know how hard it is when you're like in that moment you just feel defeated in yourself and your body and you thought you were doing everything right, and you're staying on top of everything and then it it just doesn't. Yeah, it's kind of weird how you just like don't have any control over it. And you kind of feel these ups and downs and and maybe that's the hard part just knowing that I don't have control over it. And so, yeah, I kind of felt like I needed to just come on. And Sterling was like, yeah, like, nobody does, like nobody shows like those really downtimes Are you like, I was literally like everything I'd say on the podcast like right now I feel the exact opposite. Like, is that Katie? You know, and, and I have all the tools in my toolbox, but yet, it's just like I said, I you just no control over it. And like, I'm about to head into teaching a yoga class for mountain bikers this evening. And I've been so excited about it. And it just, I think the pressure and like I'm nervous, and I really want to do well. And it's like, I know, I'm going to show up to that and I'm going to put on a face, I'm going to leave, you know my struggles to the side so I can show up in the best way I can for them and have a good energy. But I guess I just want all of us to know that it's we all kind of have to put on those pretend faces sometimes. And I think especially the people that we look up to and crashing in we always hear their positive insights. And you know, I'm going to go to this yoga class tonight. And I'm going to put on a big smile and and use all my enthusiasm to get through it. But at the same time, it's like yeah, don't feel that way on the inside. And I think the more and more that we can all know that. There exists the ups and downs even for the people that are out like me on the podcasts and social media and teaching yoga classes.



It's like i i Always I'll always feel my best and maybe that's just kind of the the message I want to get out as that if you're having a down day or or maybe you're doing really well and then you get to a day where you don't feel good and you feel defeated. that that's just normal. And I wanted to share that. Because even though I seem like an I'm giving this advice on how to feel good in our bodies and what to, you know, what does that freedom feel like, and here are some amazing tools. Sometimes even if we have all of the tools in the world, we can still have a hard day, and it's okay. And I guess like, the only thing that's really helped me in these times is just giving myself some patience and grace. And as much as I want to achieve. And as much as I want to feel better, if I just keep pushing in that direction. It's just a no, it doesn't give me what I need and what I really need us to fall down every once in a while. And to just be okay in that and know, that's exactly where I'm supposed to be. And just be like, feels okay to fall down. And it doesn't feel good to fall down. It feels like pain in my body. Physically, it feels like emotional pain, it feels so mentally challenging. I wake up with so much anxiety, just so many things racing through my head. And if I can just let that exist, and know that I'm experiencing life, just to its fullest, even in the downs, then the next day, I'll feel better. And the next day, I'll feel better. And the next day, I won't feel good and like allowing the space for all of it to exist. I think that's like, the most grace and love we can give ourselves. And yeah, I'm just like I said, I just take it one day at a time and, and I have no idea what I'm doing. So unsure. And I'm healing that and I'm trying to trust in myself and be that cheerleader, but it's just a process. I know it's a process. And I want your I want to give you that message of allowing that space for yourself as well. And even if I come on, and I have a really positive great attitude, like I still have really down days and I can feel it and I just Yeah, I guess I just want to show up in that real way for you. Cuz I always kind of wonder with the people I listened to it's like, man, they're on top of it on top of the world all the time, they just have it so dialed they have is so figured out. And maybe it's not really like that. I get why they need to show up like that all the time. But the same time maybe if we all kind of show our, our dark days and the days that we just feel like nothing's going right. And even with all of our hard work, we still feel defeated. Maybe that's just part of the whole circle and we can bring more acceptance into it. Okay, you guys, thank you for listening. And I guess I hope that this helps somebody today, feeling a little less alone in their struggle. And if you have a comment, send it to me. I always love to hear from you. Why I'm sending so much love to you and your body. I'll see you all next week.

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