43. Podcasting: The Biz Side, ICA & Purpose / Katie Kay


Katie Kay gets super transparent with the business side of the podcast. Topics: show up & be messy; what's your motivation (selfish, service or a little of both)?; defining the ICA (ideal client avatar); and the process of surrender with "not knowing" as you keep moving forward. Why not be as transparent about Body Breaking Free as possible? We show up with clear fierce conviction, so that we can change how we show up in our bodies and in this world. Why not start now?

Episode Topics:
-ICA (ideal client avatar)
-Service, Purpose & Healing
-Show up Messy
-Show up in the struggle
-Start with your pain point
-You are worthy to show up, exactly as you are, without having to be perfect.

Hi there ICA!
You're tired of not feeling good in your body.
You're tired of being on a diet.
Maybe you have asked yourself:
Why does this feel so hard?
Why can’t I get control over the ups & downs cycles I feel stuck in?
Why doesn’t my motivation reflect in the results I want?
How can I achieve my body goals without it being so exhausting?
How do I feel more confident?
How do I feel like I am headed in the right direction?

OF COURSE you feel that way! How else could you feel any other way?
The diet & exercise industry is missing a major part.
You need to heal the trauma and start your recovery.
------ willingness to start your recovery.
If you have a willingness to change, because you're so sick of the old way of approaching your body, you are in the right place.
Once we can start the internal healing, see the fear running the show, THEN we have so much avaliable to us to start making real change: wellness tools & practices - that will offer us the freedom, hope, joy & abundance we long for in our bodies & in our lives.

Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of body breaking free podcast. I am your host Katie Kay. And before we dive into today's episode, I want to invite you to sign up for our newsletter. I've been thinking a lot about what ways I want to direct this podcast and what I can offer the community. And first, I feel like we need to gather as a community in one space where I can send out freebies and I can give you tools and insights. And especially for the episodes when we have guest experts on sending out some of those main points, main takeaways, and some quotes and then any practices that they mentioned. This way I can really support you, the listeners. And then when there is something like a free create a Facebook group or community or a membership or something that I can give you even more, then I'll be able to send out that out on the email. And now we'll just be a perfect conduit for that. So if you want to take the next step, the link will be in the show notes. Katie Kay graham.com, forward slash newsletter. And yeah, you can click on that. Perfect. So today's episode, I really want to be transparent in who I'm talking to, and what we're talking about here, and what is this direction of the podcast and what you can look forward to. So I had somebody come up to me the other day, and somebody I didn't know. And she told me that she listened to the podcast, and, and I'll keep her not amiss. So don't like throw her name out. And she doesn't know. But keeping her anonymous, and she said that she had shared some of the podcast episodes with some of the teen girls that she works with and helps. And it blew me away. Honestly, a just like that reinforces for me, being in the service and wanting to help others. And if I can make just a tiny bit of difference in a teen girl's life, and her relationship to body, and how she interacts in the diet and fitness space, then that's it, that's the most important. And I think with every public figure, and if you're doing something like a podcast, or social media, you know, work in that you're showing up, you're giving a voice. I've spent some time just trying to ask myself why, like, what is my motivation behind this? And if it is selfish in a way that I want to feel good enough about myself, and so showing up proving myself proving my work and voice? It could be that right? I mean, being open to the possibility. I don't necessarily think that if you're trying to heal yourself and putting yourself out there, and it not being destructive for somebody else, like, okay, it's not like the worst thing, right? I mean, I think people do that. And, and we all carry those deeper wounds and fears of just, you know, not feeling good enough. And sometimes we just need us and a little compassion to feeling that way. Because a lot of us feel that way. The judgments and the expectations and, and that's just part of being human as well, we all have the ego. And that's important, as well, to just show up as on Earth in our bodies and grounded in our five senses and how we experience the world. Yeah, I also think that it's good to ask the question of why I'm showing up and is it in true service? And every day, I I want that to be what it is, right? I want to move forward the next step to show up in a way that I can help other people and I The big thing for that is if you're showing up from your dark places from your pain points and struggles, then that is in a way just trying to help other people avoid those same struggles, and you don't want other people to be in pain. You also don't want yourself to be in pain. And yeah, I guess I don't necessarily have a direct answer for that. I think part of me shows up for me, and my own healing process and just trying to find my own purpose and showing up and a full energy of self worth. So really, in that way, it's selfish. Okay, not in a negative way, but just selfish for me and my life. And then I also think in a way, it's like a really want to help other people. And I don't think I really like you say that, and you don't really feel it right until you realize this could really help somebody else. And I felt that when this lady came and told me that and so that's the best way I think that we can support the people around us is sending them inspiration, sending them things that have helped you. And just sharing that being able to feel that connection, whatever it is this podcast or something else, like a book or a yoga class you loved or, you know, an art class or something. So I want to, I wanted to say this story, because I have worked with a business coach. And there's this big thing with the online space about having an ICA. So having an ideal client. And the thing with online space is that you want to have a niche, you want to be narrow, like a focused group. And I've had the hardest time with that. And I've also learned, it doesn't have to be that way you don't have to have it all figured out. I think that the online space is very similar to the diet and fitness industry where there's a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. And I definitely don't believe that if you're starting a business that you need to have everything figured out right away. And for me letting go of control and actually just enjoying the journey and learning as I go along. And put myself out there. That's part of my process that I need to learn how to put myself out there before I know everything and have it all perfect. So this podcast is for anybody or every body that is struggling with their body that exists in a space of feeling stuck in the diet and fitness industry. And of course, you feel that way. Of course, you feel stuck. How else could you feel any other way, when you are burdened by continual not doing enough, you're not doing enough and feeling lack in energy and finding time to work out and eating the right things. And oh my gosh, dealing with just the stress, just the daily stress of having a schedule, and the realities of life of work and taking care of the people that you love. And at some point, this person realizes they don't want to be on a diet forever. They don't want to live this way anymore. The time and the energy, the amount of pain and struggle just to feel good in your body. It's not the way that you want to live your life and this person that I'm talking to. It's not a niche. It's not an it's not niche at all. It's very broad because I really do believe that we all hold trauma and trauma originating first at the moment that we realize we were separated from me Anybody else, and that's just part of being a human, that's part of the ego. I don't expect us to all be these like spiritual beings floating around in space, and everything's good and flowers and sunshine, but the trauma from that moment. And then we build these belief systems as we go through life, we build these belief systems that our wounds we carry within ourselves, our inner being, and exists within our body. The Body Keeps the Score. We've, we have that within us. And it's scientific. It's also emotional. It's, it's all parts of who you are. So we carry these burdens. And it isn't until we show up, and we have a willingness to want to change. And say, you know, I'm done, I'm done. And, of course, you're done. Right? Like, of course, you don't want to exist like that, and have your purpose in that struggle for the rest of your life. So this person has decided that they need to find a new way, they need to find a new way. And my job is to help them realize that the diet and industry space is missing a whole chunk of what we need to really look at. And that is the trauma, and that is the recovery. And it's the internal space, and realizing that the work to live in a body that you want, and move forward with your desires, health goals, happiness, joy, whatever that is. Freedom, free them, right freedom of that heaviness and pressure that lives within all of us. Free them of feeling lifted of that heaviness within a body. Whatever, you know, whatever that looks like for you. And also getting clear on those desires, getting clear on exactly it is that you want to feel in your body and your sense of self. And when you're thinking of that separating yourself from what other people what you think other people want for you or think you should have. The work is that in the internal world and shifting your internal space, and it's bringing in those new tools, and bringing in that hope and excitement of learning new things. I mean, all the things that we've already talked about on the podcast, the Wim Hof Method, the breath work, your VEDA yoga, journaling, therapy, I mean, the list goes on and on. But we can't enter in those energy of hope, and abundance and joy, and moving forward in a way that feels really good alignment and purpose and trying new things with a smile on our faces. We can't do that until we have cleared this space. Right, because if we're moving forward in a and almost driven by a false belief system, then fear will continue to run the show. And just having a willingness to be able to look at this, that is a huge step. But then the ideal client, that person, he or she is ready for that next step. And they might not realize that it's a journey, it's a process. But they are willing to say this old way isn't working, I feel stuck and I feel hopeless. And it's painful and overwhelmed and exhausted. And they're willing to say I'm ready for a new way. And one step in front of the other in that direction. And this is really a path of alignment. And I love to say it's the path of love. It's getting to know yourself more. And the ego will do anything it can to keep you in the comfortable and it will tell you that you don't need to change. Nothing's wrong here. You don't got to change. But you know that deep truth within you is ready. And so my job is also to address the ego and say, you know, this thing's gonna come up, this fear is gonna pop up, you're gonna feel like you're not doing the right thing, and you're gonna feel like you're not good enough and unsupported. And then the ego is going to tell you all these stories about what you should be doing and what other people are telling you what to do, and the judgments and you'll start to feel, you know, that fear? And what do we do about that? Right, so this is the part of the diet and fitness industry, we're missing, looking at all of these things, the spirituality, what's happening in that internal space, it's a mind body spirit connection, and being willing to look at what really is involved with the mind and the spirit, and how is that connected to the body. And then one step forward of the undoing of letting go the fear, witnessing the fear, and choosing, again, choosing a new path of love and alignment and connection, and opening up to some of those new tools. And that's the really fun part. I mean, the really, really, I mean, I feel like beyond honored to be able to interview these really amazing guests that come on. And their stories are profound. But their insights are there to offer us hope, and freedom, and just options that we're able to look at and then decide authentically, once we've made that space, we can listen to that whisper within us and say, Oh, that, you know, that sounds pretty nice. Like that sounds pretty good. I think I'm gonna go try that. And that's what the future of this podcast will look like, we'll be offering those tools and sampling them and, and just offering a space of being able to try out new things. While at the same time, we have to address the internal space, and realize that this is a daily practice, and give yourself the grace and patience for recovery. I just want to share that when I started this whole thing, and I wanted to do an online business and I wanted it to be in the wellness, because that's what I loved. And I knew I wanted to help with body struggles, because that was my pain point in the past. I had notebooks and notebooks and notebooks of, okay, what do I want to do? Do I want to give workouts or do yoga classes do you know, like, oh, my gosh, the list goes on. If you need any business ideas, I have notebooks full. And like I was saying, I didn't know, I didn't know. And when I started the podcast, I was just trying it out. Either not expect to follow this path, but trying it out. And now the the amazing thing was is being able to open that space, to not have it figured out, right to not just be like, Okay, I'm gonna do the workouts, I'm gonna post these five videos. And then this is what the Instagrams gonna look like. And this is what this is, you know, allowing myself to just follow and, and surrender to whatever starts to come up. And I'm so grateful that I allowed that space because the whole messaging behind this is a deep truth that I feel I carry within me and also needs to be shared. And the trauma and the healing and the recovery and the inner work and the spirituality and that energy of abundance that can carry you through your wellness and through your body struggles. All of that unfolded as I interviewed the guests, and as I allowed myself that space for my own recovery, and my own journey, but also getting out of my own way and showing up even when I didn't have all the answers. If we can get out of our own way and share what we're healing like personally healing from and not show up in a way that we just have all the answers but Learn as we teach the struggles that each of us are going through right now, the best way to learn from them is to teach them. And I'm not saying that through, I'm only saying that through vulnerability. So I guess this episode was also for people that are trying to find a purpose and maybe wanting to start a business and and allow yourself the patience and time, and you are worthy enough to show up. And you can show up at any place any state you are exactly as you are, you don't have to be perfect. Nobody wants perfect. Like, that's just boring. You know, that friend that's like, got all their stuff together. And like, you don't want to go to that friend, you want to go to the friend that's like, got also the high anxiety and doesn't have it all figured out. Those are the friends I always go back to. And that's the same way in business. So I'm not saying I have all the answers far from it. But if you ever want to sit down, have a cup of coffee and chat, if you're working through your own business, or you have any insights on the podcast, or you want to share anything, I am obviously always here and so happy to be here. And talk. Thank you for showing up and, and listening to me today. And, and I can't I'm just like, I'm so excited for where this podcast can go and, and I couldn't do it without all the support from people and the guests. And like that, I just want to shout out. I am so honored and grateful for all of their support. And people just want to support people, right. And I've learned that as I've gone through this, and that's the like, that's a really cool thing about that connectedness that we can all feel if we're ready to open up for it. But yeah, we're gonna we're gonna do big things here with the podcast. And so get on that newsletter. That's just going to be our little hub, a little community to start and we'll figure it out together. We'll go through this process together. And that's my alarm. See, show up not perfect. Oh, it's 1111 probably not where you are at. But that would be really cool. synchronicities. Yeah, there'll be a little hub. So sending so much love to you sending so much love to your body. Thank you all for being here listening. one long line. I love you all. And I'll see you all next week.


44. Food Freedom / Lara Zibarras


42. Coaching with Kelle & Nina / Kelle Cobble + Nina Lynch