42. Coaching with Kelle & Nina / Kelle Cobble + Nina Lynch


Kelle & Nina help clients get results from the inside out: condition your mind like you condition your body. Their coaching method is rooted in Thoughtwork, and our "Four As". Their clients come to them because they’re kicking ass out there but they don’t feel kickass - in their bodies and beyond. They see common struggles like daily overwhelm, resentment or guilt, obligation overload, weight loss, and finding balance. Today's episode we getting into these common struggles, some tools Kelle & Nina use in their coaching, and helpful insights when it comes to the health of your life & your body. I can't wait for you to listen!

Katie Kay 

Hey everyone, and welcome back to another episode of body breaking free Podcast. Today we have two very special guests on the episode, Kelly and Nina. However first, before we dive into the episode, please rate and review the podcast. Leave a comment in the rate and review. Let us know what you thought about this episode. Maybe there was a specific takeaway. Maybe you just love Kelly and Nina and you just want to put that in the rate and review. If you have a specific question, we will be answering questions on the podcast. So if you have a question for me, or one of our guests, putting that in the rate and review, this just helps support the podcast, uplift the algorithm. And then at the same time we start to build that interaction, I really want to feel connected with all of you and know what you need, how can we support you the most, because that's why we're all here we want to support, we want to give you that love and guidance and whatever way that you need it the most. Okay, so let's get into the episode today, Kelly and Nina, they have a coaching business Kelly and Nina coaching. And they help clients get results from the inside out. condition your mind like you condition your body. Their coaching method is rooted in thought work, and the four A's, which we get into in the episode today. And then they say their clients come to them because they're kicking ass, taking names. But then on the inside, they don't feel as kick ass, they need some help, they need a new perspective in their bodies and beyond. So that's where Kelly and Nina come in. And today we get into all of their coaching and all of their processes that is involved with that and helping their clients. And then we also get into some really awesome specific wellness tools. And they give us a ton of insights, so generous in the way that they offer all of these amazing tools that we can bring into our own practices. So without further ado, sit back, grab your coffee and take a listen. Kelly and Nina, thank you so much for being here on body breaking free podcast.


Kelle Cobble 

We're so happy Thank you.


Nina Lynch 

This is such a treat. I'm so pumped.


Katie Kay 

This is so exciting. And we're doing this interview and to 222 and I was telling the ladies that this is my first double interview. So we're just embracing that number two today.


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah, I can feel it.


Katie Kay 

Feel the good energy? Yeah. Oh, good. Well, let's just dive into it. I already gave an intro on your coaching business Kelly and Nina coaching. And so can we get into just the the purpose and kind of overall vision of your coaching business? And maybe Nina you want to kick it off?


Nina Lynch 

Yeah. So we are Kelly Nina coaching, we help busy high achieving women who are out there kicking ass, actually feel kick ass, we help them feel better. And this is a really authentic extension of our own journeys in life. I think Kelly and I both came to coaching to solve our own problems. And we are absolutely in progress. And practice, what we teach and coach, we are our own students


Kelle Cobble 

every day. It's just a lot of practice.


Katie Kay 

Yeah, and it's amazing what you guys are doing. And we had talked before this interview a little bit about your coaching business, and I was really blown away by what both of you bring to the table. And so can we get into a little bit of what does that look like in if somebody comes in and you have a client? And maybe even if you kind of have an ideal client what you usually see when somebody comes to you and has an issue, what kind of issues are you seeing here and and what kind of person is coming to see you and go through the coaching process.


Nina Lynch 

We we absolutely notice patterns with our clients and we don't want to slight the pain that they're in but we do help show them that what they're going through is not in isolation, they are not in a vacuum. And we have to be very gentle and graceful about normalizing their pain, right? So we do work with women who are just very busy. They are often the breadwinner of the family. They work full time or not. They don't always work full time but they are go getters they are achievers in one way or another and they just feel borderline burnout creeping in, whatever they're doing, they're not feeling like it's a sustainable way to be. A lot of our clients have kids and young families and not even young families. They, they are parents. And this is an extension of my story, you know, we get to a point where we just feel disappointed in ourselves in the way we're showing up in life. And we know, we're capable, like, we know how to get you done, we know how to kick ass out there, and you're just so frustrated. We call it in coaching the intention action gap, or the knowledge action gap, we know exactly what needs to happen. We just don't know how to start or where to start. And that's where coaching where we play in coaching. Is this intention action got?


Katie Kay 

Totally, yeah, go ahead. And Kelly, were you gonna say something?


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah. And a lot of times, people come to us, women can come to us, and they're, they're kind of like, just tell me what to do. I, you know, I'm really good. I'm really good at following directions, and all that kind of stuff. And it's just like, hang on, let's back up. Because it's not really about the actions you're taking, it goes a lot deeper, it starts with your thoughts, what's happening in your brain. And then your thoughts, create your feelings, your feelings, drive, your actions, and your actions are what creates your results, but it starts a lot deeper than just like, tell me what to do. And I'll totally do it, you know, totally, I've


Katie Kay 

been, it's so common that we all just want that solution, that step A, B, C, and then we'll get to the place that we want to be at. But it's like you're saying it's just so much more complicated in the way that we need to look at the internal space. And I can just relate to this just from my own process and therapy and, and just healing some of those places that you know, the feeling of not good enough, not worthy, not doing enough. And I think a lot of us just share some of those common pain points. And it's not gonna help by just continuing to overachieve and work harder, and, you know, do all the ABC kind of how am I going to get to that successful place in my life. And, and I just think like coaching in general is so valuable, because we all get stuck in those patterns, just like Nina was talking about, it's like, we all just can feel that burnout and feel stuck in the cycle, which is, you know, it's so common, like we're living a life based on what we see, based on our own belief systems based on our own stories. And it's so impactful to have somebody from the outside, be able to look at your life and redirect those patterns. Because a lot of the time, we just don't have our own strength to be able to do that we just maybe not even have our own perspective.


Nina Lynch 

Having a third party of third person, if you will sit down and help you look at your brain is so valuable. It's invaluable. It's priceless. And if we can help normalize some of the patterns that women are feeling and believing and going through right now. That's what we want to do. And break those patterns bring that, you know, shift into a more productive way of being a more kick ass way of feeling. So that's, that's, that's what we're going. Yeah, that's where that's what we're going for.


Katie Kay 

It's amazing. It's so amazing. And let's get into your guys's personal stories, some of your background, because I think this is a really significant place that you can just show what you've been through. And and I'm sure how you bring that into your own coaching process. When you see other women maybe struggling with the same things. Kelly, do you want to start maybe just talking about? What were those struggles? And then what kind of led you up into that point of wanting to be a coach?


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah. So I was I was having health problems. And I wasn't really sure what was going on. I was a pharmaceutical rep at the time. So I was talking to doctors all day long. I call them cardiologists. And so I you know, had a team of cardiologists that I could kind of pick their brains and I was hooked up to machines and, you know, done all the things and I aced all the tests and you They're like, we can't, nothing's wrong with you. But you know, when you can just tell that there's something wrong with you, when you're tapped into your own body. And you're like, the doctors are telling me that, that I'm fine. And I'm clearly not fine. And so what the symptoms that I was getting, were not being able to breathe. And when I was out exercising or anything, I couldn't keep up with people. And in my past, I was very much athlete and could definitely, you know, as the first one that was picked for their soccer teams, and all that kind of stuff. And so all of a sudden, seeing myself not being able to keep up with people was really like discouraging and disappointing. And it's just kind of like, you know, what's going on. And then when the doctors are like, Oh, you're fine. You're just, you're just too old.


Nina Lynch 

You're just getting old Kelly, literally.


Kelle Cobble 

Literally, they would say, you know, you're just slowing down. My wife is like this to your, like, late 30s At the time, and I was like, What? No, no. And so finally I went skates go skating with a doctor friend of mine that I called on. And he right away, he was like, Why are you so slow? You know, you should be fast. And he was like, if it's not your heart, we've already checked all that out. Maybe it's your lungs? Do you have pulmonary hypertension, like he totally called it. And so I went to a specialist and quickly was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. It's a chronic severe disease of the lungs. It's really high blood pressure in your lungs. And I was told not to Google my Google my disease, because it really does not have great outcomes. So seven years was the typical lifespan after diagnosis. And it was interesting, because we were doing IVF at the time, my husband and I, and we I was going to have an embryo transfer. And with this disease, you cannot be pregnant. Like the risks are very high for death. So I it was interesting, couple days away from embryo transpiration, transplant. And they're telling me Nope, we can't do it. And so I went to the specialists and was like, high risk obese, I can do this, you know, look at me, I'm fine. And they're just like, looking at me like, seriously? No, no, especially because you can get a cert you know, you can get a surrogate, you can adopt, they started and, but when you visualize yourself being pregnant, and then all of a sudden, that's never gonna happen for you, it was really a hard thing to come to terms with. And so this the long winded thing, but the reason why I got into coaching, is to really figure out what was going on with my own body. And just, you know, when the doctors tell you, they can't do anything for you, it's like you either give up or you start figuring it out for yourself. And so that's what I decided to do. I became a health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, switched around my entire, you know, nutrition and fuel sources started treating my body and it completely different way. And it's been, I think I was diagnosed in 2009. So it's been 11 ish years since my diagnosis. So I've already, you know, beat the odds on all that, but I feel my pulmonologist is now like, I don't think you even have this disease anymore. So it's really interesting. So that just treats you know, it's just talks to the power and I didn't just do diet and exercise. I did hyperbaric therapy, I mean, I did so many different things, just trying to be like, Okay, what next? What can we try? And, and so that's my reason for getting in coaching.


Katie Kay 

Yeah. Oh my gosh, yeah, it's kind of like, I'm sure in that place. Just having the mentality of being a an achiever and working really hard and being an athlete, and getting to a place where maybe even just like feeling like a little helpless and maybe even feeling like failure in that moment, and, and not having any control over that situation, I think like illnesses and, and you wanting to be pregnant and your body not being able to give that to you. And I'm sure that was just like it probably brought up some of those deeper wounds. And I can see that that probably was just like the hardest struggle to get out of and so I'm just amazed in the way that you took one step after another to find your way to a place where you're feeling healthy. And that's just like I think like just like going back and looking at like what When you're in that struggle, because maybe there's some listeners listening to this that just feel defeated. And whether it's pain, like physical pain or emotional pain, whatever it is, it's, it's hard in that place to see a light. And for you, you were able to really find your way. What were some of those things that you tried? What were some of those steps that you just like helped kept you motivated to keep looking for a better solution?


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah, I mean, when you feel like you're just your body's letting you down. And there's nothing that you can do about it. It's, it really is, like, you almost resigned to the fact like, Well, okay, I'm never gonna get to be pregnant. I might not ever have kids. I, you know, I don't even know if my husband's gonna want to stay with me. Because no, you know, all this stuff that comes up. And so really, it was just like, what, what, what can we do? You know, we got, we got a lawyer, we, you know, we went to the fertility specialists, got an egg donor, got a surrogate. As far as you know, having kids, we have two amazing kids now, and we're so lucky and blessed and all that. And it's so fun. Being a mom, I'm so glad that that we were able to get to that point. But yeah, it's just, it's just looking at what you want. And the real reason behind it to the wise and going, why is this important to me? And that's what really drives me is that why? of okay, if this is this important to me, then we got to figure it out.


Katie Kay 

Yeah, and I love Nina, like sitting back biting her lip and the tears. I mean, that's like, Nina, can you talk a little bit too, because I read your story. Yep. We're getting emotional, which is perfect. I mean, that's why we're here, right? You have some common threads with Kelly's same story and take a breath. You have to answer right away. But yeah, that feeling of just feeling like your body is letting you down and, and losing that connection. I mean, there's, there's nothing harder. I don't think any and I think about my own, my own past and when I felt like I was almost like battling my body. To some degree. It's I mean, to all degrees, I you know, it's like, in that place, it can be the hardest because your body is your vehicle in life. It's how you show up. It's your physical representation. And when it's failing you or you feel like you're failing it. I mean, there's there's nothing harder. And I just like, I get chills. I get chills, because it I mean, it's a really important topic to talk about. Nina, would you mind sharing your own story?


Nina Lynch 

Absolutely. Okay, um, I think you touched on something a minute ago, Katie, that, that does stand out to me in both of our stories, is, is being in an athletic body, being an athlete in your body. It creates a different kind of relationship between mind and body and a different mindset. I have been I've been an athlete my whole life. I'll just give you some background on my my story how I came to coaching. I got a lifelong athlete didn't really didn't really know much beyond the playing field to be honest, collegiate athlete, graduated from school and was sort of deer in headlights. Long story short, you know, very, very driven. i My I worked in public relations for 10 years and just pointed it and it's a demanding career. We have to be responsive and available a lot. And I saw myself burnout there several times. And I kept going back, I just those it was just the path of least resistance. I was good at it. I had all this experience. I kept going back. And then I had I got married to an awesome guy. And we had two beautiful boys and I was working and then I got this chronic disease diagnosis. I have. After my two pregnancies, I developed this swelling in my left leg and I was like, everyone says, oh, varicose veins are, oh, pregnancy and I was like, No, this is weird. It feels like and maybe you guys can relate after hot yoga or a hike when your rings feel really tight and you have sausage fingers. It was just one leg and it was all the time. And it wasn't right and I went To all the doctors and no one really, they all take their boxes, no one really wanted me to be their problem. They just kept passing me on to someone else. And I really just felt like I was being swept up in this dustpan and moved on. And I finally landed with this doc and we had done all the tests similar to Kelly. They didn't have a name for what was going on. And I landed with this doc who just gave me a minute and got creative and thought outside the box, I'll never forget him. And he was like, I think you have lymphedema. And I was like, so this is lymphatic, we were looking at vascular and blood and circulation and your lymphatic system is connected to your vascular system. But it's it's not well studied in in western medicine. So they sent me to a cancer hospital to troubleshoot this, I've no idea why I'm in the cancer hospital to troubleshoot the swelling in my leg. Meanwhile, I learned that cancer survivors who've been through chemo and radiation often develop this condition after you know, their lymph nodes are annihilated during treatment. And so after they, you know, these badass is B cancer, they often develop this swelling that is life changing. So I didn't know any of this, no one explained this to me, I landed the cancer hospital and I'm like what is going on. And no one really explained to me what this was they just says they just said you've developed this, this swelling in your leg and it's it means that you are prone to infection, you need to be very, you basically have gray water like that, like gray water in your left leg. And so you have to be very careful. And I am, again, not just a lifelong athlete, but I nature is where I am in homeostasis. We are a very outdoorsy family, we spend a lot of time in the wild in the quiet wild, not just close by wild like away. And this was a game changer. I was like we talking about I have to carry a first aid kit with me everywhere I go. along Long story short, I really had to start taking care of myself in a different way. And as an athlete, I was used to just pushing through it, you know, sort of like no pain, no gain, like I got this, there's 17 minutes left in the half, get your shit together. Let's go, you know, and composure, looked and felt a certain way to me. And I needed to bring in a lot of grace and kindness. And I needed to slow that down and really think about what was most important. And so I did that. And then I I was hospitalized with an infection a couple years ago. And this really rocked my sense of safety in my body. So I got an infection in my leg. I don't know how I got it. I got a staph infection that went back to REMIC. And I was hospitalized years ago and it totally rocked my sense of safety in my body. I did not trust what was going on. I didn't know how to help myself. I I just like cortisol just I was living on cortisol, I got out of hospital, I didn't even know I had an itch on my left leg, I was freaked out. I just didn't even know how to take care of myself. And so I came to coaching this was I actually came to coaching before, before the hospitalization but I came to learn how to be in the world and a different way to relate to myself to take care of myself in a different way. And that spills over into every relationship I have in my life. And so luckily, I had this coaching background when I was hospitalized and I can use the tools that I have to inhabit my body and and connect to myself and by no means this is the athlete. These are my tapes, tackle the fear, right? Like no, I didn't tackle this fear. It's still in me. It just sits shotgun. It doesn't drive. And I sit next to it every day. And that is my that's my practice. You know, that's where I That's my practice, like daily and I'm getting better at it. It's just, it's just reps. Yeah. Yeah.


Katie Kay 

That's amazing. I'm so glad thank you both for sharing that. It just popped out. Cory better good. I can just tell that both of you have so much of your heart and soul in this business and just by hearing your story and then just, I mean just by your presence just by your energy and your emotions and it just means so much to you. I can tell that you show up for your clients, because you've been through, you've been through this struggle and, and you've both been through illnesses and, and really like feeling disconnected from your body and, and finding the steps for yourself to work your way out of it. And so now being able to help other people, I just think that in from my own life, I know that having people there to support support systems. And I personally was, I didn't want to go to therapy when I started in college, like it wasn't my choice. But that was the first thing that I did that made me realize that having a support system outside of just my family and friends and somebody I could talk to about vulnerable things or things I thought were really silly that I was getting way overwhelmed and high anxiety and just like this, trying to step out of my door and make it to the gym was this big thing for me and being able to tell my therapist that. And it's not just therapy, I think like the coaching businesses like so valuable just having a coach having even like a yoga teacher having a studio and it doesn't, I know, I bring up yoga a lot in the podcast, because that is just one of my sources of joy, but just having people as a support system in your life. And even if you're not going through some of those hardships like you, both of you went through, I mean, it's like we like I said at the beginning, we just can get so stuck in our own patterns, we're not able to see that there's a more expansive and more light and more love in a direction that we can lead our life. So thank you both for for showing up in the world in that way. From your guys's stories, do you see in your own clients similar struggles? And maybe not surface level? Maybe not similar illnesses or specific things? But do you see some of maybe those deeper layers, deeper, maybe emotional fears or wounds or trauma? I mean, even you know what you were talking about that sense of safety and your body and and when something unknown happens like that can throw us off big time. And our nervous system is out of whack and our emotional brain can take over and our traumas start showing up. So do you guys see any kind of through lines with your clients? Common, maybe common struggles that you see?


Nina Lynch 

Yeah, I think quickly. We we we do, we do. But the difference between coaching and maybe a therapist would be that we ethically need to stay in our lane, we do not help our clients tackle trauma. We have amazing colleagues and peers here in Park City. The access we have to mental health here is phenomenal. And so we have colleagues and peers that we refer clients to for trauma related. I call it untangling your knots. We as as coaches. We and I was going to touch on this a minute ago, you know, we we and this is why coaching was so helpful for me. I didn't have anything, especially with this disease diagnosis and where it wasn't like, I didn't have anything to unpack from my past, I really needed to practice a new way of being I needed to become aware of what I was already doing that wasn't serving me and shift. So if that helps. So we do see patterns in our clients. But when it comes to trauma, we refer is that fair? Yeah. But and the women we see we absolutely relate to in that. They're they know there's more they know there's another way they know what is happening is unsustainable. They want to shift they're capable. And a lot of it starts especially for our clients, maybe they're in their late 30s 40s and their bodies are changing and they are in denial and they are resisting. And our messages like you know, we've been there we've we've been forced to take care of ourselves in a really different way. You don't have to wait till you have a health diagnosis or crisis to change. Please, please don't wait. Right. Like, please don't wait, like please, you know, you can change. You can shift anytime and we're here for you. It doesn't have to be urgent.


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah. And then one other thing I just wanted to See here, a lot of the women that come to us, they're not even sure what needs to happen. They just know that there's something missing. Like, they should be happy. They should be happier. They should like they look at their life. And they're like, What is wrong with me? Like I feel? You know, not great on the inside. And I look at my life on papers is amazing.


Katie Kay 

Yeah. Yeah. And can you tell us a little bit about the work that you do with the clients to make those shifts? You talked a little bit about that thought work. And then I have here the four A's. What is that process and method look like?


Nina Lynch 

So this is very much a reflection of Kelly and my personal personal process. And yeah, our coaching, big picture like 20,000 foot view is this is this four step process, we walk clients through called our forays. The first day is awareness. And we we show our clients that you can't change what you don't notice. So we become really aware, we have all kinds of strategies and tactics and fun exercises and practices that helped them really just start grounding in their body in the present moment, and noticing their own patterns, noticing their own ways of being. And it starts with a lot of noticing their thoughts, noticing what they're thinking, and when, and that is hugely challenging for our clients. They don't even know what's a thought I don't even I can't I don't even know what I'm thinking. It's really common.


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah, it's funny, because they just think that it's true. So what they're thinking is true. And that's just how life is. And it's, it's fun, because then we can start to point about, point out their thoughts and be like, That's a thought. Just saying, and if you want to change it, you can. And so it's really fun, because first, many of our clients are like, I can't even tell the difference between what's fact and what's thought. And so it's that unraveling of those, and just really being clear about which is which. And then helping them to see from that they see their patterns. And then they decide, Okay, do I want to keep this pattern? Or do I want to change it.


Nina Lynch 

So that's our get our first A is, is awareness. And so we start to just notice what's going on and what we got. And Kelly and I always say, you know, we meet our clients on the couch on the coaching couch, and we just kind of watch their brain with compassion. We're like, they're compassionate watcher, and we just kind of hold up a mirror, and we're like, he's, you keep saying that you're this procrastinator, or you keep saying, you know, do you want to hold on to that? Is that true, right. So we're just holding up the mirror, letting them choose what stories they want to keep and what they don't. And then so, and that's a big part of, it's a big part of the work. That's where we start and it takes a while. The second A is allowing or accepting, allowing or accepting. And I actually remember, when this just dawned on me, when this happened to me, you know, a lot of our clients don't really want to accept the fact that they've been believing these beliefs for so long, that they've been resisting so much emotion or just ignoring so much feeling in their body, they just have been so busy getting shit done, they just table stuff. And what we show them is that the more you table it, the more you try and stuff it in the closet, the bigger and louder it gets, and it can come out sideways. And that's kind of what's happening with our clients is their emotions are kind of starting to come out sideways. And we never learned as young girls especially and young boys, everybody, everybody our age, we never learned how to identify and manage our emotions. So this next step in our coaching is a lot of emotional intelligence. We, we learned to identify and allow our feelings to come up and be without judgment. And this is this is really fun, and it's very hard. And that's okay. We always tell everyone if it feels hard, that's exactly where you need to be. It's exactly where you need to be.


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah, so some of the people listening might know Rebecca Brenner. She is our mindfulness coach. And, and so it was really interesting. She taught us to have tea parties with our emotions. So invite the emotion and Oh, hi, anger. Come on in a new year coming. Sit down. Let's talk about what's going on. And so it's really getting to know your emotions in a different way and welcoming them because life is 5050 It's all you It's such a huge spectrum. So we have a lot of good, and we have a lot of bad. And then there's this like massive in between, of all these emotions. And it's fun. A lot of times we'll give a list of emotions to our clients and be like, this is just a little tiny sampling of all the things that you feel. And we kind of have opened up their eyes to a lot bigger feeling in their life. So the goal of life is not just, let's be happy all the time. Really. Yeah, the goal is to feel all the feelings, all all of the things that make us human and alive in this in this life.


Katie Kay 

I love that I love Yeah, because we lose a little bit of perspective on life in general. And it's not always trying to achieve this perfect state. And I think I've been in that time, I definitely have been in that time in my life where I thought that was the goal, to be perfect to be successful, and just to always be happy. And so I'm so glad that you brought that up, Kelly, because that's just like something I need to hear every single day is I'm always gonna have a little bit of discomfort and, or, you know, something that maybe I'm, I'm trying to push away, but that is the richness of life and just living the human experiences. If you're able to kind of bring all parts of yourself to the table and bring a lot of acceptance and allowance in that place. I just, that's where I found the most freedom. And, and for me, it's just like the, like, daily practice, like it's something I just, I it doesn't come first nature to me, it's just like, I always have to remind myself and it is becomes kind of this undoing process of my old mindset, my own patterns so that I can come back into that freedom and into that internal space that that I really want to feel. Yeah, Nina, do you have some comment on that one,


Nina Lynch 

you just said freedom. It's so you know, when we can just be honest with ourselves and be like, this is hard. It is so freeing, you can handle it, you can feel any emotion, you can feel any feel. It just takes practice.


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah, really, emotions are just vibrations in the body. Right? Love that. So when we accept that we can feel our emotions, we're not gonna die, you know, we're not we're gonna be okay. And it might not feel awesome. There's discomfort and feeling. But there's discomfort later, if you push it away, like you're just, you're just pushing off the discomfort for later. And it's gonna come back. And so it's being okay with just like feeling it. And allowing that emotion to move through. And it doesn't take very long, takes about 90 seconds for an emotion to or feeling to move through your body, we kind of use emotion and feeling interchange. And so when you just allow that, it'll, it'll dissipate slowly, and then it might come right back. And then you just allow it again. And so it's this is as much part of the practice is anything is just like feeling once you can feel the emotions once you know, like, Oh, this is just an emotion. And I can feel any emotion. You can do anything in life. It's so amazing.


Nina Lynch 

Yeah. And this is when when our clients come to us, they're often resisting these emotions, right? And they're reaching for the glass of wine for the fourth time, because they don't want to feel it. They're numbing in other ways besides wine. Many, but that's an example of, you know, just avoiding those deep feels Oh, online, you know, over shopping, over eating over drinking. Many other you know, overworking, over working. Big time. Yes. Scheduling.


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah, yeah,


Katie Kay 

yeah. Oh, oh, it's so good. It's like so, so good. I'm just like vibrating in my chair. This is so good. I mean, the way that you guys have constructed your method, I mean, I'm just thinking like, through my own experience, my own personal growth. It's all of those things that we're talking about. We're like I just started to become interested in mindfulness and Eckhart Tolle a and Pema children and Tara Brock, and, and those people and like reading their books, and I wasn't expecting that to have such a huge influence on my life and on my body, and on my addictions and when I started Say addictions. I mean, it wasn't out of control, but just in the addictions of abusing my body in the way that I would over exercise or abusing my body and in the way that I was eating, quote unquote, healthy, you know, spinach salad, but it wasn't fueling my body and amount of exercise I was putting in and, you know, always trying to lose weight, but the, the, the way that I use all of these things as a distraction to really feel the feelings, and Janine Roth talks about this in her book, women, food and God, and I'll go back through all of this, and I'll put all these references in the show notes, but it just everything that you're saying, I feel like it's just pure gold. And I also feel like in our society, if you're saying, Okay, we're gonna bring in this tool of awareness, people are just like, gonna roll their eyes, you know, because it's like, Oh, my God, like, this is what this is what I need to do. But that's really the work, right? That is like the profound work and what you're talking about. Being in that space of freedom, it's really like being able to what you're talking about Kelly as if you are able to face any emotion and shine a light on something that you're resisting, in that that's the Empowered place. And that and it's not about the emotion, right, it's not about pushing away the emotion or feeling it, it's like, being able to, to look at it clearly and sit with it and, and just bring in that allowance and acceptance. So I just like I love everything that you're talking about. I'm just like soaking it in. And I just, I'm seeing parallels with all the things that I've understood in my own work and in my own personal process. So it's really exciting to to hear what you guys are doing.


Kelle Cobble 

Thank you so much. We love obviously, we love it so much. And it's helped our lives. And it's so fun to start to see our clients shift, we just finished up with a client that we had been working with. And when she came to us, she was like, my life is pretty awesome. You know, I don't really have any, I don't know if I really need coaching. But I'll give it a shot and kind of see. And once she started opening up, it was crazy, because she didn't even she she again, thought this is with just how she was. This is just how life was going to be for her. And so she was just resigned to the fact that that's that's how it is for her. And so once we started working with her and unraveling and just kind of showing her like what was going on in her brain. She was just like, oh my god, like, it's so fun to watch these clients. We just get their minds kind of blown. And they're just like,


Katie Kay 

what, you know? Yeah, like radical transformation. And like the simplest things, right? The simplest practice is just like they awareness. I mean, I say simple, but maybe not as simple in practice. But that's so cool. And yeah, that's so cool that you can see that in your clients.


Nina Lynch 

These are women to who do not have we call it a stillness practice. There is no quiet in their lives, they are there, when they're in the grocery store, they have a podcast on when they go for a walk their air pods are in. There's not a lot of just physical stillness, mental stillness. And so when they actually do, we were bringing in this awareness and mindfulness idea. They are blown away. They're like, Oh, my God, my left hip, I was standing in my stillness practice this morning, brushing my teeth, and like my left hip started bothering me. I wonder how long that's been going on? They just have no you know, they're just by no means this, this is just a pattern. This is a pattern, there's nothing broken with our clients, there's nothing that needs to be necessarily fixed, right? This is just, these are their tapes. This is just the way they've been operating for a long time. And we can kind of show them another way.


Katie Kay 

Yeah, yeah. And I just want to add on to that too, is like 17 cents, this is body breaking free. And so we talk a lot about you know, wellness, and we talk a lot specifically you know, body tools and, and all of that, you know, falls into diet and exercise. But the the amazing part of it is and what I kind of teach on the podcast and and what I've seen in my own life is when you create that space within and have a change in your internal condition that reflects back into your external life and into your physical body. And and so I was thinking about this morning like I wanted to get Exercise before we did the podcast, and then I have a little break in the afternoon, and then I have another interview. And then so my old mindset is still very present in the way that I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna wake up at 6am or 535 30, I'm going to go tour a Park City, and then I'm going to rush home and I'm going to have to shower and already told sternly, like, don't talk to me, because I'm going to be like, really busy, and you can't distract me. And then I'm going to, you know, fry up my eggs and run out and I'm, like, have this like, like, this mind that is, well, it's incessant, like, big over thinker, but I can now really clearly see that old pattern. And I've given myself that an attachment to it. So I am able to see that and not get wrapped up in the drama of it, it still exists. But like, I mean, it's like, it's so just, it's just so interesting in that if I am able to create that space, it's not that it's gone away. But I'm just like, I'm giving myself that empowered place. And I feel that freedom and my body, like the way that my body functions now in the world, because I can see my morning differently. Like, I can say, like, oh, my gosh, this is gorgeous, I get to go tour, a Park City, the fresh air is in my face, like I get a good workout in and of course, like the timeline is gonna work out, it's no big deal. And then, you know, it's not I don't have to be so flustered. And I mean, the podcast is something that I just like love, and I want to create space in my life for and I don't want to rush in here and feel overwhelmed and give that energy to you guys. And I just don't want to exist in that energy anymore. And so it's like, it's been the work that I've done to get to this place where I'm able to unattach from that, and then bring in those higher vibration. So bring in that gratitude for being outside in the morning. And, and the joy of being here with you guys and doing the interview. And it reflects 100% Back in my relationship to my body and how I treat it with a nutrient. So I'll spend the time to cook my Kitri in the morning. And it just it's like, it's kind of like this feedback loop. And so I wanted to make that point. Because if there's listeners listening, and they're really focused on wanting to get certain results with their body, having the internal space is going to reflect back into that external place. And for me, it's been tenfold the way that I've grown and changed and it's reflected back in my body and the way that I feel healthy and the weight that I want to be at and all of those things. But yeah, so I want to make that point, just to note that the coaching and ternal and the awareness, like if you're a very driven and focused person, you're looking for the results all that time. While it's gonna get your results to check in and get the results that you want from it. Yeah, yeah.


Kelle Cobble 

Yeah. I love so much of what you just said. And my mind was just like, yes, yes, yes. So first, the, often the women that we work with, and we ourselves pack so much into our day, we're just like, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do this. And we have like, these tight, like, you know, every light needs to be every light needs to be green in order for us to, you know, get to where we need in the time that we've allotted. And we got to finish these three things before we walk out the house, you know, and so it's just squeezing as much in but what you mentioned, it's leads right into our third day. Wishes. Oh, good, perfect appreciation. So


Katie Kay 

go for it, go for it. Before that's okay. It's fine. It's fine. Okay, it's fine. Whatever. We can cut. When it doesn't, we will cut the part out.


Kelle Cobble 

Okay, so our our third is appreciation. So it's really seeing that everything that we do is a choice. Yeah. We're choosing to take our kids to the dentist. It's funny because our our coach was like, you don't have to even take care of your kids. Like she is she was in a park one day and she was like, I could just leave these kids here at the park. I don't have to take care of them. Like I'm choosing to take care of them. And of course she was saying that in a really tough time of You know, her kids were very young and, and she was like that was so mind blowing for me because it just gave me so much.


Nina Lynch 

Possibility. And a lot of our clients come to us with the half two stories. Yeah. Yeah. Have to have to have to would that's one we hold up a lot. Is that fair? Yeah. And


Kelle Cobble 

it's not like, Oh, I get to, I don't have to I get to because that's sometimes a bridge too far to get to take my kids to the dentist. No, maybe it's more like. More like, this is what I'm choosing to do. Yep. Right. So service of my kids. Yeah, service of my kids and what, you know, my values and what's important to me, I love these little people, and I'm choosing to take care of them or whatever, I'm choosing to take myself to get a mammogram, you know, like, nobody's, like, sweet, I gotta go get a mammogram today. You know,


Katie Kay 

oh, my gosh, I love that mindset. I'm definitely going to use that. Because I think I do fall into a victim of this is my schedule, I have to or I need to show up. And that is, how empowering is that to be able to look at the appreciation and the gratitude and the privilege of just being alive. Just being alive in this moment.


Nina Lynch 

Appreciation does is it helps you celebrate the teeny tiny, smallest wins. So when we work with clients, that's how we make shifts, it is not in leaps and bounds, for the most part. It is in these small celebrations. That is, that is the money that is the gold. And our clients were like, seriously, like you're killing the confetti right now. I'm like, yes. Right? Like, yes, cue the confetti, like, this is killer. And so it's not it, this is a practice. And we're constantly telling our clients like this is a practice and within appreciation comes this, this sense of compassion and self friendliness that we need to bring in, which also helps create space, right? This like mental space, when you're going through a change process. It helps you look at everything. In an it neutralizes everything. When you can when you can bring in just some self friendliness. Treat yourself like you would a friend. You people, people need to check this because the way you talk to yourself, you would never talk to someone else. So when you start to bring in this, just noticed that people you know, just notice all the humans listening, it's so interesting. You've never talked to anyone the way you talk to yourself. And so when we can bring in a little like an inch of kindness every day, just a small shoulder tap. It changes everything. It changes everything, you know? Yeah.


Katie Kay 

Oh, I love that. And that actually leads us into the next question. So that was perfect, because that's a wellness tool in itself, is being able to check on yourself. And I mean, we're all our own worst critic. So being really cautious and paying attention to what you're saying to yourself. Yeah, I love that. I love that. It's just being a tool. So can you both share your own wellness? So I love to ask each guests at the end of the episode, what is their own wellness practices? And what do you do on a daily basis that makes you feel good and your mind and body? And yeah, whoever wants to start that'll be, that'll be perfect.


Nina Lynch 

Let's see. So because of the swelling I have in my leg, I have a big toolbox of lymphatic care, sort of self care tools. Everything from compression and diet exercise, I drink a lot of water to keep my circulation clean and flowing. I'm a swimmer. So I love just swimming is a new thing for me in the as a actually my 40s Yeah, just a couple years of swimming. So I have a big toolkit daily for to take care of my leg. And then nature for me I think I mentioned earlier is homeostasis. Always so I I lived in San Francisco for years. But that was the only time I really lived urban and that was honestly where I was the most out of balance out of homeostasis and there's nothing wrong. I had such a kick ass time made the best friends partied my little bit off as like a 20 something you know, it was so fun. But it just you know, it just made me realize that like I'm I'm a mountain girl, and I'm learning that I'm also a beach girl so So nature is homeostasis for me and I, I love getting my heart rate up a couple times a week in, it's just the athlete in me and actually some of the healers I work with have reflected that to me, they're like Nina, we know you're in this practice of slowing down a little bit and treating yourself differently inhabiting your body in a really different way. Because I have been that over exerciser. And when I sometimes look at my peloton at my stats from four years ago, I don't know that human being I don't know how she cranked at that wattage, I am blown away. So this has been my practice, I you guys are gonna laugh. I do jumping jacks super duper slow, because it helps me literally practice slowing down. Like mentally, emotionally and physically. It's really hard to do try to do a jumping jack really slowly. That it's hilarious. You feel really awkward. And it's a really great way to like get in your body and be like, Oh my God. What is this? But so yeah, I love just cranking my heart rate a couple times a week. But it's it's not. It's not a sufferfest mentality, if you know what I mean. It's I love running up this one hill in our neighborhood, and I just I sprint up it. It's awesome. Yeah,


Katie Kay 

that's perfect. I loved all of those things. Nina, and Kelly. Yeah, so


Kelle Cobble 

I am really focused on food, a lot of a foodie, but it's making food, like healthy and delicious, which is definitely an art because a lot of times, a lot of times you think, Oh, I got to eat all these veggies. And so it's making the veggies as delicious. As you know, anything. Veggie tacos are one of my faves. And so it's really fueling my body is like a huge thing for me. And that doesn't mean I always eat perfectly. I eat nachos. And you know, chips and GWAC are my like love language. So


Katie Kay 

just chips and blocks love language.


Kelle Cobble 

They're just a food group all of their own. And then as far as getting outside, same as Nina, Nina and I connect outside a lot, we have meetings, on walks. And we both love to swim. We both love to get on our bikes, skate skiing. So a lot of the times when we meet, it'll be like, Hey, let's go meet on the trail, and chat through what we need to chat through. And so getting out in nature is super important to me getting out with kids. And then I get a ton of massages. I love massages, and I have a guy and he you know, he's like, my massage husband. My husband loves it, because then he doesn't have to like bend. I'm like, Honey, can you just get this spot? He's like, go see your guy. You know, go so


Katie Kay 

good. So I do that. So I'm like Sterling, I've got a knot, like over here and over here. I need a I guess I need a MSUs


Kelle Cobble 

my life. Yeah, yeah, totally. I got I gotta go for you. Okay, okay,


Katie Kay 

perfect. We'll talk later. Oh, that was great. Thank you both so much for being here. And again, I just like I see your passion. I see your heart and soul and what you do. And I just like, I'm, I'm so excited that you're doing this work, because it's it's just benefiting all the people that your clients and all the people that you're helping and, and so thank you so much for doing that. And can you give us your contact information? If you have any last words? And of course, I'll put all the all your information in the show notes as well.


Kelle Cobble 

Absolutely. So before we go the fourth a just so that you know is alignment. And so it's saying hell yes to the things you want to say yes to and saying f no to everything else, basically.


Nina Lynch 

Love is a shift. Yeah,


Kelle Cobble 

yeah. And really, it's letting go of all those expectations that other people have all the shoulds and deciding for yourself. And this is a lot of what we do as coaches we help people make really good decisions for themselves. And so we in doing that, and having that alignment, you make good choices for you. So really the women that come to us, they finally choose themselves. They've been taken care of everybody else doing all the things that they think that they're supposed to do to make their life look a certain way. And then finally, it's like okay, but what do you want what's important to you? And going from that place to make decisions?


Katie Kay 

Yeah, that's important. Thank you for tying in that fourth day. I forgot about it. And I love how that kind of all the A's weaved into our conversation so that was perfect.


Nina Lynch 

Yeah. Or so our contact info Yeah,


Katie Kay 

contact and yeah, any last words but um yeah.


Nina Lynch 

This has been a blast. Thank you, Katie. Yeah. So, so fun. Such a great way to start today. You can find us on Instagram and Facebook at Kelly and Nina coaching. We have a website Kelly and nina.com and Kelly is k e, Ll. E. And nina.com.


Katie Kay 

Perfect. Perfect. Thank you so so much is wonderful having both of you. It's so fun. Thank you listeners for being here. I will see you all next week!

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43. Podcasting: The Biz Side, ICA & Purpose / Katie Kay


41. Uncovering: Addictions, Recovery and Awakening / Jenna Neubauer